Chapter Four: A Blue Spark

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3rd POV:

It was a bright and early morning as someone sneaked into Team RWBY's dorm.

Penny: "SAL--U-TATION!! Good Morning Team RWBY!!" Penny said excitedly and loud as she spooked Team RWBY awake.

Penny: "SAL--U-TATION!! Good Morning Team RWBY!!" Penny said excitedly and loud as she spooked Team RWBY awake

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Yang: "Ugh Penny? What time is it?" Yang asked rubbing her eyes.

Penny: "Time to be Huntresses of course!" Penny said as Weiss, Blake, and Yang groaned.

Ruby: "YAHOO!!!" Ruby shouted excitedly as she was the only one with her outfit already on.

Yang: "Ugh I swear if this is what we have to deal with every morning, then I'mma go sleep with (Y/n) from now on." Yang said getting out of bed.

Weiss: "And what makes you think you should be the one to sleep with him?" Weiss asked also getting out of bed.

Yang: "Who says it should just be me? I'm cool with Blake coming along too." Yang said winking at Blake as she blushed and looked away.

Weiss: "Oh God, again what makes you think you guys should be the ones to sleep with (Y/n)?" Weiss asked again as her, Yang, and Blake went to the bathroom together.

Ruby: "Speaking of (Y/n) You wanna go wake him up?" Ruby asked Penny.

Penny: "Of course!" Penny said as they walked out of Team RWBY's dorm and went over to (Y/n)'s own dorm, they were ready to burst in and shout loudly and excitedly but as they opened his door, they found him doing one armed handstand push ups with his non-metal arm and without his shirt on, Ruby's whole face blushed red as she covered her face but still peeked.

Penny: "G-G-G-Good m-m-m-morning (Y-Y-Y/n)." Penny said stuttering as Ruby looked at her, Penny's face was also blushing red as she still kept her smile and didn't look away.

(Y/n): "Oh hey Rubes, hey shiny Penny, How are you girls this fine morning?" He asked as he stood up straight and walked over to them.

Ruby: "W-W-We're g-g-good." Ruby said not able to look him in the eye as suddenly he put his hand over her forehead.

(Y/n): "You okay Rubes? Your face is all red." He said.

Ruby: "I'm-I'm-I'm fine!" She said pushing his hand away.

(Y/n): "Oh okay that's good wouldn't want to-" before he could finish Penny suddenly touched his chest as it took (Y/n) and Ruby by surprise.

Ruby: "P-P-Penny!? What are you doing?!" Ruby asked.

Penny: "Where did you get this scar?" Penny asked as she was talking about his "X" scar on his chest.

(Y/n): "O-oh uh I got this when Beacon fell." (Y/n) answered as Penny looked at it with concern.

Penny: "Did it hurt?" She asked.

(Y/n): "...Not as much as losing you... and Pyrrah." (Y/n) said honestly as he gently pushed her hands away and he walked over to his outfit.

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(Y/n): "Mind letting me get changed?" He asked them.

Ruby: "O-oh okay yeah, let's go Penny!" Ruby said pushing Penny out as they left his room.

Penny: "Is he okay? He looked a little upset." Penny said as they walked around.

Ruby: *Sighs* "Don't worry he's just...well...he really missed you...and he misses Pyrrah too." Ruby said with a sad expression.

Penny: "Oh...well I really missed him too, and you too Ruby." Penny said with a smile as Ruby gave her a half smile.

Penny: "I um...I didn't know Miss Nikos too well, but I'm glad I got to meet and fight her in the Vital Tournament, she seemed very kind." Penny said.

Ruby: "Heh yeah...she was one of the kindest people I ever met, and a great fighter too..." Ruby said as she looked at Penny.

Ruby: " you...ever think about what happened to you? With what Pyrrah...did to you?" Ruby asked her.

Penny: "Hmm not really, my father asked me if I was angry about it once, but I told him I wasn't, I'm sure it was an accident, after all her Semblance did allow her to have control over magnetism and I am made of all metal." Penny said as she knocked on her head and it made metal clings which made Ruby giggle.

Penny: "Anyway I guess it was just a bad match up, but I don't and won't ever blame her for what happened." Penny said.

Ruby: "Yeah...that's good..." Ruby said looking away.

Penny: "Yes, anyway I must go, I'll see you later Ruby!" Penny said as she gave Ruby a hug and she flew away, Ruby waved her goodbye as she went over to the mission board room, where everyone but (Y/n) was gathered.

Penny: "Yes, anyway I must go, I'll see you later Ruby!" Penny said as she gave Ruby a hug and she flew away, Ruby waved her goodbye as she went over to the mission board room, where everyone but (Y/n) was gathered

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Jaune walked in with a cup of coffee as he sat down next to Marrow who was wagging his tail as Jaune handed him his coffee, which Marrow took with no hesitation.

Clover: "Alright eyes up Huntsmen, time to get used to--wait where's (Y/n)?" Clover asked as right on quo (Y/n) walked in with his Atlas outfit, War Daddy on his back, and Mjolnir in his hand.

(Y/n): "Sorry I'm late, but this uniform ain't easy to put on." He said coming over as he sat in between Ruby and Yang.

Clover: "Understandable, I just couldn't start our missions and stuff without our key player." Clover said as the scene shifted over to Ruby, Qrow, (Y/n), and Weiss headed over to the Amity Communications tower site as they were seen fighting off all kinds of Grimm.

Clover: "Remember that our top priority is the Amity Tower, that means protecting supply runs from Grimm and bandits, and protecting the site itself." He said as they all did just that.

" He said as they all did just that

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