Zak is the first to wake up. He looks around and sees another body on he ground, wearing a blue hoodie. He didn't think anything of it, so he gets up and wipes the dirt off his clothes. He goes to glance at his watch to see what time it is. "Where's my watch?" He asks himself. He looks at his clothes. Faded denim jeans with a couple tears, black runners, a light pink hoodie... He was not in his clothes, he was in Dave's!
Panicked, Zak looked at the taller boy on the ground. He saw his blue hoodie, black pants, dark, messy hair. That was him... but not him. At this point, Zak was starting to have a panic attack. He started hyperventilating and ran off to the tree. Whilst running, he turned and saw his body getting up. He turned around and kept running. Dave's voice came out of his body, yelling "wait up!!" Zak did anything but that. He kept running as fast as he could. He didn't know what was going on, and he wasnt sure if he was going to find out or not.
Zak ran and ran until he reached the tree. He saw Darryl and Vincent talking. They stopped their conversation and started looking at Zak running. But they didn't know it was Zak, they saw Dave.
"Dave! Where's Zak? What happened?" Darryl asks.
"This guy... he clicked... we fell... i woke up... not in my... own body!" Zak huffed.
"W-what??" Vincent asked, "what do you mean "not in your own body"?"
"I'm Zak!!" He yelled. Dave, in Zak's body, started running up to the tree, where the guys were sitting.
"Guys!! You won't... believe... what just... happened!!" Dave panted. He had just run the entire way to the tree to catch up to his own body."What?"
"Some dude walked past us as we were on our way here, clicked his fingers, and we fell unconscious. I woke up to see my own body running away from me and to also find out I am in Zak's body!!"
"Is this some kind of prank?" Darryl asks.
"No!" Both Dave and Zak yelled
"I don't think they're lying, Darryl..." Vincent said, "there was a sketchy looking guy walking around earlier"
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean he switched your bodies!!" Darryl was not believing a word they said.
"Darryl, c'mon! Believe us!! Look, there's the guy!" Dave said, as he pointed to the same guy from earlier
"Lets go!" Zak yelled, as he ran off towards the guy.
"Wait up!" Dave yelled, and he ran off, following Zak.
"You may not believe them, but I wanna find out what they're going on about!" Vincent said to Darryl, as he followed the other guys."Hey!! Wait up!!" Dave calls out. The guy turns around. He stops walking, and wait up for the guys running towards him. "What the hell did you do to us!?" Dave yelled. The guy smirked.
"I changed your bodies. Can you not see that?"
"Yeah but WHY?!" Zak asked
"I did it for my entertainment, I guess... Well, I am able to undo this b-" he got cut off by Zak.
"THEN CHANGE IT!!" he yelled
"Ahem... if you let me finish, then I was going to say that I will change it back in a week's time"
"Why exactly, do we have to wait a week?" Dave asked. He was a lot more cool with this then Zak, but Zak was still kinda having a panic attack.
"Because I feel like a week is a reasonable time. You guys will have to live eachother's lives, by the way. So um, have fun! I will meet you here in this spot in a week." The man walked off, leaving the three standing there, thinking.
"Well, I guess you guys weren't lying... um... my bus is about to get here, so I'll see you guys on monday!" Vincent says to the others, as he started walking towards Darryl, motioning to get up as they head for the bus.

General FictionOk i need to work on one story and stick with it but i guess not! Oh well enjoy! Oop may get a little nsfw so heads up hehe