4 more years!

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(4 years after the last chapter)

3rd person POV.

After coming back from her honeymoon, Sae entered Leblanc, only to be met by everyone.

Sojiro, Futaba, Makoto, Ann, Morgana, Bob, Akira, Ryuji, Haru, yusuke, Akechi and (Y/n)' mom, surprised her.

Everyone: Welcome back!


Sae:(Smiles) Hello everyone.

Ann: Sooo... Where's you husband?

Sae: You know him... Got caught up with something and missed the flight.

Futaba: Still hasn't changed.

(Y/n)'s mom, who's real name is Sara, joined the conversation as Sojiro became focused on the TV, that was about to show the new president of the United States of America.

Sara: So how was the honeymoon?

Sae: It was wonderful.

Sara: Good, good..... So when am I going to be a grandma!

Sae:(embarrassed) T-thats still to be determined....

Sara: Fine... But hurry up!

Bob: Caw, caw caw.(translation: jeez, calm down woman.)

Akira: What are you two planning to do for the future?

Sae: Well other then eventually start a family. (Y/n) said something about teaching, so I'm guessing his going to become a teacher.

Makoto: Him? A teacher? I don't really see it.

Akechi: I disagree. I think he would make a great teacher, provided he teaches something in his expertise.

Sae: He does have a point.

Sojiro takes a sip of coffee as he watches who's the next USA president.

Once he saw who it was, he began choking.

Sojiro:(choking)... Oh God....

Sara: What's wrong?

He turned up the sound on the TV, and everybody turned there attention to the TV.

They saw a familiar man walk up to the podium.

(Y/n): My fellow Americans.....

(Y/n): I am your new president!


(Y/n): Thank you, thank you very much.

(Y/n): I guarantee you all that I will be better then the last guy!


(Y/n): We are the number one country, but I plan to take us one step higher!

(Y/n): Everyone problem we have, I will fix in some degree!

Crowd: (loudly cheers)

(Y/n): Some of you might know that for the past few years, I've been on a break. But after I got married-


(Y/n): Thank you. After I got married, I decided that I wanted to prove that I was a man worthy of her. I wanted to teach the world that anyone can be anything they desired!

(Y/n): Right now I desire to make the world a better place! Starting here!


(Y/n): I will make crime rates drop! Even if I have to kick the shit out of criminals myself!

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