The Strength Test

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The woman looked curiously at Paul for a few seconds and then shifted her gaze upwards towards the balcony. "You will all undergo basic strength and ability tests for our records, and then will proceed to your specific ranker". She pointed at the people on the balcony and said, "You will be ranked by the utility you serve to this association and have no doubt, this is a combat organization to the end". When she finished talking, the tiles of the floor lit up in different colors, filling the floor with a low-luminescence. "Please proceed to the designated lane that matches your tag color," The woman said. She noticed green-veined Bear staring at his blue tag frowning and added, "this process is randomized and is meant for an even distribution" Paul looked around, as people assembled themselves into ordered files in their respective lanes. Red, green, blue, pink, and yellow-lit the room with a bloom that dazed Paul.  He looked around, clearly confused because he had no idea what a tag was, nor where to get one. He felt he had already attracted enough attention for a day, and proceeded to the nearest lane, the green one, which was right in the middle of the forming lanes. He was the last person and seemed to be around a dozen heads behind the front of the line, and estimated there to be around 6 or 7 lanes in either direction. Paul knew the saying: "getting dragged along for the ride," but he had never truly lived it for its full experience. What was he supposed to do? Start screaming in front of all these people? Spring away right now? the image of Jovi pulling his glove put a stop to Paul's thoughts. At some point, there had to be an opportunity to escape, so he planned on playing along until then.

Paul stood, waiting and listening intently to the silent excited murmurs of those around him in line. The four white-lights that beamed on intervals of the ceiling began to dim down, bringing the colors of the floor to glow surreally. Paul lifted his arm to see the green silhouette around his fingers as the lights above diminished, leaving the balcony hidden. Paul heard the sound of gears whirring, and the subtle ting of some kind of platform opening from above. In every lane, a black object descended from the ceiling, landing squarely in front of the files of people, each object a few feet away from the next. They looked to be about Paul's height at around six feet each. The intercom echoed once more, "This is a three-part test, and what stands before you is the first, a strength test. The block in front of you is a foot thick, and it is segmented into three layers, each 4 inches thick. The first is made of weakened wood fiber, next is concrete, and finally a steel plate. This is a test of pure destructive ability. Do not hold back, as you will only have one chance. Use whatever means necessary." She walked away from the platform, heading towards an open door beneath the balcony. Paul could see the tension building around him, an excited sort of tension. A man's voice sounded from an intercom above, "Group 1, step forward". The first row stepped forward, some looking pumped up and others looking serious. "get ready... Go!" Paul noticed a delay, and then heard a few thuds and the splinter of wood by someone in the yellow lane to his right. He could see the front of the two lanes on the left and right, but could not see the front of his lane no matter how hard he tried to get a view by getting on his toes. The intercom sounded with what sounded like a machine's voice, "Group 1 yellow lane. 26% of barrier destroyed, Rank C level strength recorded". Paul saw everyone look at the yellow lane, and the guy in front of him said "She destroyed over 3 inches of the wooden layer. Imagine what that would do to a human body". Paul looked over to see who had done it but he couldn't see her as she was already walking past the barrier. Based on his luck, he imagined it was probably the girl that, for lack of a better word, shock-blasted him across the room. Paul noticed the barrier was changing. No, not changing, it was repairing itself. It seemed to be happening on a molecular level because nothing was touching it. "Reparations complete. Group 2, step forward". 

Paul looked behind, looking for an exit of some sort. Whatever the hell was going on, everyone would find out he was a fluke and who knows what would happen then. Paul knew he had to escape. He saw an open door, looked over his shoulder to make sure everyone was focused on the test and began walking away briskly, but confidently. Paul hoped that if anyone saw him it would look like he was trying to go do his business. As he entered the room, he heard the intercom announce the blue lane as the best of group 2, but he could not make out the amount of destruction. Paul kept walking by the well-lit corridor. The walls were white, and the doors a mahogany red. He noticed one door open near the end of the hall and started sprinting toward it. Just a few steps away from it, someone walked out, drying their hands with a paper towel. Paul flung his hands up in anticipation of running into them and shut his eyes just before the crash. Then, nothing happened. He opened his eyes to find his feet a few inches off the ground, levitating. He looked at the woman in front of him, surprised, and she eyed him suspiciously. "What are you doing here?". Paul coughed nervously, "Looking for the bathroom." Paul stared at his levitating body awkwardly. "Can you put me down?" He asked. She twisted her hand sideways and Paul descended to the floor. She began walking, and when she realized Paul was not following turned to motion him along. A few moments later, she stopped and pointed at a door. "The bathroom is here. I'll be waiting outside to escort you back to the testing ground". She said with a smirk. Paul cursed inwardly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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