Chapter 2- Tour Bus (Gerard)

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"Gerard, wake up!" Frank yelled in his ear while splashing his face with water.

"I'm up, I'm up." Exclaimed Gerard.

"Good, because we have a show in an hour." Frank said.

"I TOLD YOU TO WAKE ME UP AT LEAST  FOUR HOURS AHEAD OF TIME!" He yelled at Frank, while slapping him in the face.

Frank jumped and started to tackle him. They both laughed it off and then quickly hopped off
the bus and walked into the venue along with the rest of the band.

"Where is Ray?" Asked Mikey.
"I don't know" Said Bob.
"I'll go check the bus, maybe he's still sleeping." Gerard said.

Ray was not in the bus. Nor back in the venue.

"Maybe we forgot him back at the gas station"
Frank guessed.

Ray was at the outside the gas station crying while eating a jar of cheese whiz that someone left there last night.

"Ray, there you are!" Gerard said happily.
"You forgot me again, did you even notice?"
Sad Ray said.
"Nah we really didn't" Bob snapped.
"Shut up Bob, we missed you Ray." Mikey responded.

They all hopped back into the bus and headed 15 minutes back to the venue.

Gerard cried.
"Your gonna be fine" Frank said.

The got into their costumes and put on their eyeliner. It's 2005, makeup is fricken great for a guy.

They walked on stage and preformed and amazing show, but little did they know that Bob was planning something.

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