The First page (Revised)

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"The past has been written in stone already, but the future is yours to write." I read that quote over and over again in my head trying to comprehend what on earth it meant, but so far nothing, and mean nothing, has come to me. I hated having to write an essay on quotes. What was I supposed to say that wasn't already written? Think Avalon think. I mean it can't be impossible if it was an assignment. Or could it? Mrs. Randomly was known for her impossible to get an A in classes. And lucky me I landed a spot in her English Honors class. Who cares I wasn't about to spend my weekend worrying about a single essay. That is what Sundays are for. However I had to write something down on the paper. Just to give my parents the "she tried" feeling with which they would cut me some slack.
"What I learned in boating school is..."

       There so far, so good. Now to go outside and explore the beautiful world. Haha, like that's gonna happen. No no the best idea on a Friday night like this is to walk to the fridge stare at it for a good 1o seconds and get some yummy in my tummy cuisine. I did just that and found a beautiful full fridge of..... Things that had to be transformed by heat into some thing delicious and edible on the left, and then on the right you would see my pile of "food on the go, ten second meals for when you are Avalon." (I named both sides myself!! After my full ten seconds I decided to eat yogurt with chocolate. Hmm maybe add Extra chocolate, and why not add nutella, then some icecream, and top it all off with sprinkles and a nice healthy strawberry. Then I sat on my new couch (maybe not the smartest choice considering five more steps into the living room would have taken me to my old less expensive yet probably equally as comfortable couch) and got comfortable, then started eating my... hmm i need a name for this.The Super Avalonian Desert Dinner.

      That's when I heard the first knock. I primarily thought it to be my imagination, mom wasn't supposed to be home till 6 am, dad was on a business trip, and has been for the past four years, I wasn't expecting visitors. Maybe it was just the tv. The way my house was set up made it so that the entrance way lead to the library type area or a small hallway. The hallway lead to the living room and the stairs and the front bathroom and the guest room. If you walked through the library way you would be going into the dining room next then the kitchen then the living room then the hallway. The entrance was separated from the living room by one wall which is where my amazingly awesome Tv hung from. I turned my attention back to the two minutes later I was watching hulk smash and I heard another knock. I think It came from my wall.

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