Luna X Megatron

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From The Forgotten One

Luna wrapped her arms around Megatron, her spark humming with happiness. They may be in the Well of Allsparks, but she was glad to be with them. She missed her sisters dearly though, and wished to see them again. She was working up the courage to ask Primus to allow her to visit them again.

"Go, my sparkmate", Megatron whispered, a smile on his face. "He'll let you. Even if just for a short time."

Luna smiled and gave her lover a kiss on the cheek before running off to the temple, where Primus sat. Not many people went there, as they were still slightly afraid of the god that gave them life. Luna, however, had a purpose, and her sparkmate's courage gave her the strength she needed to be able to ask for what she wanted.

She entered the temple reverently, and took a deep breath before entering the room in which Primus sat. Smiling, she entered the room and knelt before Primus.

"Rise, child", the gentle voice reached Luna's audio receptors. "I know what you wish. And I grant that wish unto you. However, do not spend too much time there. Just give them hope that you are watching over them vigilantly."

Luna smiled as she nodded. "Thank you, Primus." She turned and exited the room, before focusing on her spirit and bringing it to the surface and to her oldest sisters home.

She smiled when she saw her entire family in the house. She focused again, and appeared in the corner, startling everyone.


Luna smiled at her sisters. "I can't stay long. But I just want to say that I love you, and I'm watching over all of you. Stay safe, sisters."

With that, she went back to the Well, where her sparkmate was waiting for her. She smiled at him and hugged him tightly.
I know this a bit different than the other ones. It was difficult to write, however, as I had to try recall characters from a book I had written several years ago.

However, even though it is different, the message is still the same. Christmas is time of family and loved ones. Even the loved ones who are not with us anymore are watching over us from the afterlife, whatever you may believe that to be. We may not see them at all, but they are there.

In this Christmas season, I challenge you to remember your family, your friends, and your loved ones, whether they be near or far. And never forget those who are no longer here.

I just want to say that I love y'all, and I'm so glad that you guys like reading my works! Even those who have only just started reading my books, I'm glad because it gives me feedback on what I can improve. So thank you.

Stay creative!

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