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They never found Hinata's body.

After the four of you had escaped that night, investigators went back into the Forest of Crows to search for the missing boy. They found no trace, of him or the Crow, of anything out of the ordinary. Only an old, dilapidated house that nobody had lived in for years.

You had all made the decision not to tell the authorities the truth, and you soon realised it was the right one. They wouldn't have believed you if you had. They would've thought you were crazy, or drunk, or just a group of teenagers pulling a prank. So you decided to keep it a secret. Everything that really happened that night - nobody but the four (five) of you knew.

But Hinata was lost. Gone forever. And that haunted you for a long time after the night he went missing. People told you it wasn't your fault, but you all knew you were responsible. Kuroo took it the hardest. It had been his idea in the first place, he was the one who wouldn't let you leave when you should have. You didn't blame him - none of you did. But he blamed himself. He withdrew from his friends, from you, like he was living in his own shadow.

You tried to move on as best as you could. But the memories of that night were always there, lurking in the shadows, hiding in the darkest parts of your mind. When you went to sleep at night, you would dream about a house in the trees that swallowed people up whole, and crows with unnatural eyes and blood-stained beaks, and the creatures that lived in the forest, creatures that belonged to the night and the earth.

But you refused to let yourself forget.

You would not forget your fear. Or your anger. Or your regret.

You would not forget the House of Crows

or the boy you had lost to the darkness within.

A/N: Have this short, crappy epilogue that literally adds nothing to the story haha. I just wanted to have a bit more closure I guess. Also, I may or may not have a sequel to this story sitting in my drafts, but idk how many of you would be interested in it (since it's bound to be even worse than this one lol)...

[1] HOUSE OF CROWS | Haikyuu!! (Murder of Crows) ✓Where stories live. Discover now