Breakfast was fun. You joked around with Joey Payton, and Tayler. Now you had to go back to your room to get ready for the meet and greet. You decided to stay in the same outfit since you had only went to breakfast. You got a text from Joey. This was your conversation.
Joey🥳 Hey I'm gonna talk to Payton about him maybe staying the night in your room.
Y/N🤓 Why what's goin on
Joey🥳 Well I was kinda hoping for some alone time tn
Y/N🤓 Oh... I see 🤪 Y/N🤓 I'll ask Tayler if it's ok that Payton comes in here.
Joey🥳 Payton said that it's fine with him
Abby🤓 Tayler said he doesn't care.
Joey🥳 Sounds like a plan 🤗
You were kind of excited for tonight. You hadn't been with Joey for a while. You had a couple hours before the next event. You called Avani and asked her if she wanted to go shopping with you. She said yes and y'all agreed to meet in the lobby.
When you got off the elevator she ran and hugged you. You laughed and y'all got in the Uber that she had ordered. When you got to the mall you told her what you needed to get. You needed to get something cute for tonight.
Y'all headed to Victoria's Secret to pick something out. After looking at a couple things you decided on this:
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You decided on this. (A/N: you ain't ever gotta dress up for no one but your self)
You went back to the hotel and you and Avani freshened up together for the stage talk y'all were about to go do for the tour. You were basically just told to go on stage and interact with fans and do tiktok dances whenever the sound is played.
Y'all had to go to a different venue for this. It was just a quick trip. On the way you sat next to Joey and played on your phone.
At one point he grabbed your phone outta your hand and started kissing you. You kissed back but kept trying to get your phone. You eventually gave up and y'all took some pics together and you posted one. It got mostly positive feedback.
***** Going to be posting every morning. I feel like I'm making them too short. Let me know in comments. Love you guys! Saw that we've got ¿ 23? views and we are just starting out so hopefully that grows.