and there you were

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My mom rush to my room to wake me up for my first day of highschool she knew i was up all night because i was nervous at the moment when summer started i had no worries of a new school or friends all i cared about was the pool and the mall i felt reassured by the fact that my bestfriend since kindergarten was going to the same school till two nights before she had text me telling me she was moving out of state since then i have not had a goodnight sleep and the school thing didn't help.

///////////////////- door slams open-/////////////////


i look up at my mom with a desperate call for help as she fully walks into my room to sit at the end of my bed

you: "Do i have to go? i mean this is not evening a major event in my life"

mom: "oh its not so you dont want to make it to college no more well who are you and what did you do to my daughter she would never do that"

my mom gets up and sighs as she feels she did something wrong she looks at the celling then the floor she walks out

mom: "just hurry up please"

you: "okay i will im sorry mom"

mom: "i know just hurry i have something for you"

i looked at my mom in confusion and curioused as her foot steps became faint i went to the door and i closed as i closed my brother came out of his room glance at me with displeasure i didnt know why but i left it alone

/////////////- door closed and locks-/////////////

i run to my dresser to find my outfit ruined

/////////////////////////- gasps -///////////////////////////

i didnt know what to do it ruined is all i could think then i get a text from unknown number and some how they know my name age and my school i didnt know how or why they do but i pick up my phone to read the message

i didnt know what to do it ruined is all i could think then i get a text from unknown number and some how they know my name age and my school i didnt know how or why they do but i pick up my phone to read the message

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you: W-what h-h-ow do t-t-th-e-ey know

i almost break down in tears

your pov:  "my outfit this creepy guy the butterflies that are you my stomach and my anxiety from my bestfriend not being here i dont know what to do"

///////- tears fall down to the ground-///////

i get up to find a outfit and i pull out this black shirt and pair of light blue ripped jeans with a hoodie around my waist

i get up to find a outfit and i pull out this black shirt and pair of light blue ripped jeans with a hoodie around my waist

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i put my hair in a bun as i open the door and there's my brother with that look again he looked me up and done

you: "what do you want"

little brother: "you slut"

you:  "stupid now i know why your 13 and single"

little brother: "and you weren't"

you: no for that fact

little brother:  "you are the stupid one mom probably doesn't know that you had a boyfriend haha"

you: "crap dont telllll"

litt brother: "20$ fine for my silents"

i hand him 20$ and rush down the stairs to get some water before the i have to walk to the bus stop i got to grab the water and right as i go to get my cup

/////////////////////- knock knock -////////////////////

i looked out the peak hole and couldn't believe my eyes i was shocked

(all the photos are from Google)

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