Suddenly, in a different location, large clouds of dust kicked up. The gang had suddenly materialized themselves in the middle of the desert. This must have been Idris' power. The men were ready to take back everything that Mal had stolen from them, but nothing could have prepared them for what they saw when they arrived on the scene.
Mal laid face down in the sand, motionless, with her blood seeping and mixing into the sand. "I-is she-?" Joseph struggled to find his words in the shock. "Dead? No." Zazz reassured. "She's breathing but she's hurt bad." Elwyn rushed over to her side but before he could get to her, he noticed a rope was tied around her arms, legs, and torso. The rope suddenly tugged as Elwyn approached and the unconscious Mal went flying away from him. Across from Elwyn, a silhouette had taken hold of Mal, dangling her from the rope.
"This yours?" a strange man, dressed in tattered clothes questioned. "The little bugger saw us snatch this cart and tailed us all the way out here. She should known what was good for her and minded her own business." The shock had struck the entire gang who, up to this point was certain that it was Mal had robbed them. Now they had to carry the guilt that they had lost trust in someone who had actually put themselves in danger for their sake. The one who had felt it the worst was Elwyn who was now about to explode with rage.
The stranger gave a sadistic smile to the men. "Now unless you lot want to end up like this one, I suggest you turn tail and scurry home." Not a man there was offended by that statement. Inside, they truly felt like a bunch of cowards. However, what went through their minds was collectively shared. "How dare this man hurt Mal like this?" To an extent, they felt guilty that she ended up in this position.
Elwyn stepped forward. Planting his boot into the sand and steeling his gaze on the man holding Mal. "You're going to put her down, leave the cart here and leave while you still can."
"Is that so? I'm not quite sure that you're in the position to make demands sir." With that, the man raised his arm and snapped his fingers. A large explosion sent sand spiraling everywhere. "Elwyn, we can't see! Are you alright?" bellowed Joseph. Before he could respond, the sounds of unsheathing blades could be heard all around them, one after the other. "Zazz how many-"
Suddenly, in the confusion sounds of punches being exchanged, grunts and screams could be heard all over but nobody could see more than a foot ahead of themselves. Worst of all were the sounds of flesh being carved left and right. The sounds all merged to create an awful symphony. The symphony of battle. "There are at least 30 of them surrounding us!" Zazz frustratingly informed them. Elwyn gave the next order. "Huddle up! They're trying to whittle us down!" As he said that an enemy with a short sword rushed at him. The enemy swung wide and high, aiming to slice Elwyn's neck but with a sharp breath, Elwyn raised his fist and shattered the sword almost effortlessly. The sucker punch that followed was absolutely brutal. The sound of bones breaking and cracking stood out from the other sounds of battle. The bandit stood up straight as Elwyn had to pull out his fist which was buried where the bandit's eyes mouth and nose used to be.
Elwyn jumped back and regrouped with his men. As the sand settled shivers went down their spines. Some men threw up while others could only stand there, silent in disbelief. What was a force of about fifty men was now only 20, with some wounded. Surrounding them were only about twenty bandits left. At least that's what they had thought until they saw figures standing on the surrounding cliffs. Their leader, the one holding Mal started talking again. "I'd offer that if you all leave us and we keep the gold then we'll let you live but... my men are getting hungry!Hahahaha!" he cackled along with the other bandits who eyed down Elwyn and his men like they were fresh meat. "In fact, this girl would make a nice snack, wouldn't she? Although, I was thinking she'd fetch a good price as a slave. She has succubus blood from the looks of it. Or...", he then proceeded to lick the blood off of her cheek. "We could wait till she gets older and find... other uses for her. Heheheheh!"Now their blood was boiling. Mal was one of them now and they were ready to fight, to die for her.

GRIM: Mal and the Reavers
FantasyThe first of the Lost Chapters introducing you to the world of Grim. Welcome to the Underworld. A harsh and unforgiving world where the strong flourish and the weak suffer. Meet Mal, a mysterious demon who seems to be traveling to an abandoned town...