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Chapter 35: Close Watch

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Standing at the front of the castle I watched as Kenny's carriage pulled in. My heart was jumping from my chest at the thought that Levi could be with him. It had been a week since arriving home, and a day since Erwin left for Zesmeira.

As the carriage came to a stop I stood there with hands folded in front of me. Watching the door open I felt like my heart was going to explode. I watched as Kenny stepped out and the carriage door closed behind him. Instantly my heart dropped seeing that Levi decided not to come. He must be angry with me.

Giving Kenny a weak smile I watch as he walks up. Holding my hand out to shake he grabs it and pulls me into a friendly hug. A little shocked I knew Kenny wasn't the type of man who was a hugger, like Levi. Patting his back awkwardly I slowly hug him back. "Good to see you, your highness." I greet.

Grabbing my shoulders he pushed me off. "Please, stick to Kenny it's strange having you call me something so formal," Kenny says with a playful smirk.

Nodding my head I flash him a shy smile. Turning on my heel Kenny and I slowly start walking inside. "So, I heard Erwin came by yesterday," Kenny mentions.

"Oh yes... some issues have started coming up within Seagaria, rumors have spread of me being adopted," I say.

"I'm guessing these rumors are true, correct?" Kenny asks.

Slightly shocked I look up at him with wide eyes. "Did-

"I only assumed, Levi hasn't spoken a word of you since I last talk to him.... But is it?" he asks.

Nodding my head I look to the floor. "It is," I answer. Stopping in his tracks I do the same and look back at him slightly confused. Grabbing hold of my arm he led me somewhere more private, a cleaning supply closet.

Turning on the light he looked at me for a moment. "Have you had any attacks yet then? If the rumors are spreading there may be people after you now more than ever." Kenny whispers.

"Well.... I don't know if I can consider it an attack, but someone, I assume a training cadet shot an arrow and cut my ear." I explain, moving the hair behind my ear I reveal the small cut.

"Did you see the shooter?" he asks.

Shaking my head I thought back to when it happened. Right after that Reiner had shown up but didn't say anything about seeing someone. "But Reiner, a duke from a small island to the south came right after it happen," I tell him.

Turning his gaze elsewhere he seemed to be thinking. "Hmm... strange, have you met Reiner before?" Kenny asks.

Shaking my head I started to feel uneasy with what Kenny was getting at. "I suggest keeping a close eye on Reiner, see if he asks weird... try and ask him if he saw someone running away." Kenny suggests.

Nodding my head I bring my left hand up to my ear gently rubbing the small scratch. If Reiner does have something to do with this then I'm in deep trouble, I wonder what he and Nanaba talked about yesterday privately. "If that is all about the rumors then we should go before someone catches us in here," Kenny mutters.

Nodding my head once again I watch him turn to the door and open it slowly. Peeking out he looked to see if the coast was clear. Quickly leaving the closet after deeming it safe I too step out.

Standing next to Kenny he looked down at me. We started walking slowly down the hall once again. "I assume you are wondering how Levi is doing?" Kenny asks.

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