First: Accidental Love in Italy

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  • Dedicated to One of my old friends

Request: Trey is visiting his family in Italy. Jacob is visiting his brother in Italy. They both go to the same coffee shop. Trey accidentally spills his coffee on Jacob. They talk about what they like to do and get off to a good start. They decide to sit on top of Jacob's brother car, on a cliff with a great view of the stars. They just talk, star gaze and a little more. Possible Lemon and Lime.

Accidental Love in Italy:

Trey's POV:

      I hate having to do this at least once every year. Italy is beautiful, but my family always ruins it some how. That is why I moved to the states to go to college. I love them, but they drive me insane and never let things go.

     Right now, I'm on a plane going to visit them, once again and they are going to question why I didn't bring someone home with me, once again. They don't mind that I'm gay, but they want me to find a guy so I can be happy. I wish they would just understand it is hard and I don't need a man to be happy.

     I fall asleep on the long plane ride there and wake up just as we are landing. I shake my head and grab my carry on. We exit the plane and go to get the luggage. I grab my stuff and look around for my family. I spot my sister and walk over to her. She turns around and my eyes go wide. She is pregnant?!! What the Hell?! Why wouldn't she tell me this? I shake it off and hug her.

She says “Hey. How have you been?”

I say “Good, I guess. Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?”

She says “I didn't see a good time to. I mean I'm your little sister, I thought you would freak.”

I say “It's okay. I understand. How far along are you? Who is the father?”

She says “Seven months. That is another reason I didn't find a right time, it's Tyler. I'm so sorry.”

I say “I don't care. It's fine. I have been over him for a while now. It's not like we ever did anything, so I didn't fall for him.”

     She nods and walks me to her car. We get in and she drives us to our huge family home. I don't like to flaunt my family money, it makes me feel like a bad person. That is another reason I hate coming here every year, they always try to get me to take my trust fund, but I refuse to.

     We walk into the huge estate and my family crowds around me like they haven't seen me in years. I sigh and hug all of them. My family is quite large and most of them are in a relationship, making me the outcast in the family. I hate that they always get into each other's business and they never let them have privacy.

     I go into my old room and set my possession on my bed. I just want to go and explore the place again, but they'll want to come with me even though they live here. I'm too tired to deal with them right now, so I lock my door and jump into bed. I fall asleep easily and it's so peaceful, but dreamless.

     I wake up before everyone else and decide to change and go out. I want to see how much this place has changed since the last time I was here. It's always so pretty when the sun is raising. I just walk down the many streets and watching the sun rise. I see a small coffee shop and decide that later on today I'll go and get something there.

     I roam around for a little while longer before heading back. I really don't want to go back, knowing they will all be awake. It seems like this is already going to be a long two weeks. I know that it wont be all that bad, but I really don't want to deal with their drama of how I am still single.

     I get home and everyone is at the table eating breakfast. I take the seat next to my sister, the only one who doesn't bug me about when I'm going to find a boy friend to take home with me. We eat in silence until my aunt decides to break it.

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She says “So, Trey. Where have you been? Why didn't you bring anyone home with you?”

I sigh and tell her “I just walked around, seeing the different things that have changed. Can we not do this again? This makes me not want to come here anymore. Why can't you guys just let it go?”

She explains “We just want you to be happy. And we want you to find someone.”

I shake my head, standing up and mutter “I'm going to go to my room to unpack.”

     I leave the room still angry with them, I wish they would just stop. I can't stand them doing this every time I visit, it's not helping me any by bringing it up every time they see me. I unpack all of my stuff and fall asleep again. The jet lag hit me hard this time and I hope it isn't like this when I go back.

     I wake up to a soft knock on my door. I hesitate before getting off of my bed. I walk to the door and open it slightly. I see my sister's smiling face and bulging belly. I sigh and open the door fully. She walks in and sits on my bed. I sit beside her and look at her.

She says “I'm sorry that they keep bringing it up. I wish they would leave you alone, but I also want you to find someone.”

I say “It's okay. It's not your fault, I know you do. It's not that I don't want to, it's just kind of hard.”

She says “I get that, I really do, but I want you to be happy with someone, like I am.”

I say “I understand that, I really do. I'll find someone when the time is right. Don't worry about me.”

She says “Okay. Well we are all going to bed, there is dinner in the refrigerator.”

I say “Okay. Thanks. I love you, my pregnant little sister.”

She laughs and says “You're welcome. I love you too, my annoying big brother.”

     I laugh and stand up, helping her up at the same time. We walk out of my room and go our separate ways. I walk down stairs and pull out what they had for dinner. It has meat in it, so I can't have it. They know I'm a vegetarian, yet they still cook stuff with meat, without thinking of me.

     I sigh and walk upstairs, knowing that I wont eat here tonight. I lay on my bed and soon hear moans coming from both sides of the house. I feel the urge to puke, but hold it back. I get dressed and grab my wallet from my bag. I walk downstairs and leave the house. I walk back to the small coffee shop and go in.

     I look at the menu and try to decide what to get. It's hard for me since everything sounds good and looks good. I decide on an iced mocha and a croissant. I step up to the counter as the door opens revealing the hottest guy I have ever seen. I stare at him until he walks up to the counter. I turn back to the girl behind the counter and see her doing the same.

I clear my throat and say “Can I have an iced mocha and croissant?”

She nods and says “Yes. Hold on.”

     I sigh and shake my head. She goes and give a guy my order. She returns and types into the cash register my order. She keeps looking over to the guy standing beside me and I can't help, but do the same. I can tell he is looking at me too, but I don't know why.

The girl turns back to me and says “That will be 12 euros.”

I hand her the money and say “Thank you.”

The beautiful guys says “Can I have the same thing he is having?”

The girl says “Of course. That will be 12 euros.”

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