Monique was the most beautiful woman I ever seen in my life. I was so drawn to her. We spent hours just talking about our lives. She told me about her restaurant and I told her about my family's business Baldino Enterprises. I also told her about my daughter Yanya, my pride and joy. I know what you all are thinking what is a black man doing with an Italian last name. Well I'm only have black. My father is Italian and my mother is African American. They met while my dad was on a business trip in the United States. They fell in love and the rest is history. I enjoyed Monique's company, she was a really intelligent woman and I could that she was lonely. It was getting kind of late so I asked her if she wanted to go somewhere to get something to eat. She agreed, so we went to a little cafe that I used to go to with my parents. We stayed long enough to finish what we had and I offered to walk her home. We got to her door and I didn't want to part ways with her yet, so I asked her "how would you like to take a trip with me to Tropea?" She had this shocked look on her face, almost like she didn't think she heard me correctly.
"You want me to go with you to Tropea right now"
"Yes right now, look I understand if you don't want to go. I mean you just met me and you have every reason not to trust me. I just thought I'd...."
"I would love too."
Those were words that I wasn't expecting to hear but I'm was happy as hell I did.
"Just give me a minute."
I pulled out my phone and made a quick call to my pilot Albert.
"Albert, I need you to have the jet ready in 15 minutes. I want to take a flight to Tropea. Call me when your ready to take off."
As I was making the call I noticed that Monique made her way upstairs. So I made one more call to my driver Tim.
"What's up boss need me to come pick you up?"
"Yeah I already sent you the location."
"Alright I'm on my way."
I had wonderful time with Antonio, he was truly amazing. He offered to walk me home and I let him. I felt so alive around him. We finally got to my door and we were about to part ways when he looked at me and asked
"How would you like to take a trip with me right now to Tropea?"
"You want me to go with you to Tropea right now?"
"Right now, look I understand if you don't want to go. I mean you just met me and you have every reason not to trust me. I just thought I'd..."
"I would love too."
"You would?"
"Of course lets go."
He pulled out his phone and made a few calls. I went ahead and went upstairs to my apartment so that I could get somethings to take with me. While I was at it, I went ahead and called Dez.
"Hey Dez."
"What's up Nique, how you feeling."
"I'm doing better thank you, I was wondering if you could take over the restaurant for a couple of more days?"
"Why, is everything alright?"
"Yes, everything is fine. I just had something come up at a short notice."
"Well as long as you're alright, of course I can take care of things."
" Thank you so much Dez, I owe you one."
"It's no biggie Nique, Goodnight."
By this time Antonio had already made it upstairs. I left my door open so he would know which apartment was mine.
"You have a cozy home."
"Uh thank you, my mother in law decorated."
"Is decorating not something you're interested in?"
"I am, my husband insisted. I have my things all together. I'm ready when you are."
"Alright the car is waiting outside."
Off we went.*Word from the Author*
Hey guys mine name is Antwoinette as some of you may know. This is my first story I have every written and with some encouragement of people I love and trust I put on it here for people to read. I will try to upload as much as I can. I'm really busy most of the time so sometimes I might take a little longer. I hope you like it as much as they have.

Short Story"Being faithful to an person that is unfaithful is a waste of time. Save your faithfulness for someone that will be faithful to you too."