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"HEY, what was that gunshot just now?" doctor spencer reid asked just as he entered the bullpen, clumsily balancing four cups of coffee in his arms. why didn't he just get a holder tray for them? that will forever be a mystery to the genius.

"someone got shot on the streets." derek morgan, said in an oddly serious tone. "we're going investigating right now."

"god, really?" spencer asked incredulously.

morgan stifled a laugh. "no, pretty boy." the man shook his head. "marathon."

spencer raised his eyebrows in realization. "ah. that's why there was so many people outside today. i was starting to believe that humanity discovered the true blessings of being outside and absorbing vitamin d—which also has been proven to cure depression and many other mental illnesses—but i guess not." the doctor shrugged. "where are the others?"

morgan rolled his eyes. "somewhere 'round here, i don't keep track of those losers." someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. spencer thought.

"i'm delivering them coffee today."

"and why?"

"because i had my dose of vitamin d this morning and felt nice." spencer shrugged nonchalantly, setting foot to find his other coworkers.


spencer turned around, just in time to catch the girl that had seemingly, screamed those words. not being able to balance four coffee cups and now, a girl, spencer let go of his coffee, some of it pouring on the ground, her arms, and his trousers.

the girl sobbed manically into his arms before her head went limp, her blacking out.

his instincts kicked in. "hey! HEY! someone call 911!" spencer yelled throughout the station, making eye contact with any workers who were just staring at him. "GO!"

"excuse me miss? are you okay?" she was unconscious. spencer shook her a few times in attempt to wake her up. he wasn't, to say the least, prepared for this kind of human interaction this early in the morning.

spencer turned the girl around, putting one arm under her knees and one under her back to lift her up off the ground. her pale skin was covered in purple bruises, with scars of cuts that aged all in different times. what spencer could guess from looking at her was,

this girl had been in pain for a long time.

"hey! what's going on?" aaron hotchner, unit chief, came running with his eyebrows furrowed (they always were.)

"sh-she just came in and fainted on me!" spencer said, almost accusingly and feeling guilty after. "she's in bad shape, the ambulance is coming."

"he's coming for me...he's coming..."

spencer looked down at the limp body in his arms, processing the words that came out of her mouth. "who's coming for you?"

the girl winced and let out a whimper.

spencer, along with the rest of the BAU that was with him now, were all baffled, flustered, and nervous at the same time. something had happened to this girl.

they were going to find out exactly what.

the sirens wailed loudly as the ambulance drove off into the distance, carrying the strange girl in it.

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