Return: Poltical Dilemma 1

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All right hello people its light here with another chapter for DSK. About my last chapter I know it was a bit lame but I am hoping to repost that chapter, but in the meantime here is the new chapter for this amazing wierd fic and thanks to all of the votes and views. I mean I wasn't expecting over 100 votes and 4k views for this fic but it happened and thanks to all of you that it's possible. I also posted another fic of My Hero Academia if you want you can check it out.

Thank you again guys.

(Konohagakure No Sato
27th October
With The Hokage)

So the last few weeks happened. With Naruto making new.......well first freinds if we are looking at the context, it was expected that he will have a hard time leaving them and it was. The kid just had a depression streak. He ignored to prank the people when they hurled insults at him as revenge but instead he just walked with his head bent down. Hiruzen knew he had to do something as Naruto even ignored ramen, I mean he ignored his ramen treat which, truthfully was not good.

They have been back for a day and he actually regretted coming back I mean why the heck does he want to come back to the cursed paperwork. He curses these papers to hell. I mean he wished to to stay there permanently but alas he has responsibility here. So here he was now waiting for another horrible council meeting with nothing but dread. And he is here thinking his thoughts.

And thought his life was a sucky fanfic.

With few people who had nothing to do read him think his problems.

In a dark room on a dimly lit screen.

Or in a park or in a library or a restaurant or when they are on a date
it's there choice but don't read it on a date or at family gatherings/function sometimes people get wrong ideas and not in that context.

And think what he should do next.

Hiruzen then wildly shook his head with too much vigor. 'What am I thinking?!!fanfic!!!!' He thought 'Calm yourself Hiruzen, it's just your nerves about today's meeting' but he knew it wasn't about that. He knew that it was about the changes in the Suna-Konoha treaty and also about Naruto and sudden rumors about him that have been spread, something like hell/demon spawn who could eat fire and could burn you to ashes in an instant, well he wouldn't be wrong about those facts but except for the demon spawn bit.

So here he was now waiting for the news about council gathering here and Naruto getting here, all the while trying to make a plan to keep Danzo off of Naruto's back which was currently giving him a lot of headache then he ready had.

He was quiet deep in his musings when a knock on his door brought him out.

"Lord Hokage" one of the ANBU he sent came followed with Naruto with a frown which basically made him a blonde Uchiha again that personality on Naruto, not good "Hello Naruto" he spoke towards the little boy "How are you today?"

"I am good" Naruto spoke with a brief smile "How are you?" Okay there was still not a single comment about being Hokage which again was not good.

"I am good." He started "Now can you tell me why are you so sad."

Naruto looked at the Hokage and then turned his head at the ground "Why does no one like me Jiji?" The Hokage took a deep breath not expecting that question right now "I mean I don't have any freinds here, where as back in Suna I had Garaa, Temari, Kankuro, Maki and Matsuri. Here no one likes me except for you, few shinobi, and Ayame-chan and Teuchi-jii, even the kids my age doesn't like me." Hiruzen could tell him why the people in Konoha doesn't like him that much both of them knew it. But he knew that Naruto as he was right now was not ready give him a few more years and let him become genin with few freinds that he would become Genin he would tell him himself but right now, now was not the time he decided.

"I know why Naruto." He started and decided that it was not how he should start with the hopeful look that was sent to him by the little guy and knew that his next sentence will tear him apart. "But not right Now."
"But why?!!" He shouted "I want to know why the village that I was born in hate me so much. Why am I trying to prove myself to people who wish for me to be dead and why they attack me. Why do kids don't wa t to ay with me, why?!!"  with tears leaking out of his eyes.  As he was crying Hiruzen got close to him and held him with Naruto flinching at start but soon  melted in the hug of his grandfather figure.

"Tell me Naruto" Hiruzen started "Do you trust your Jiji" Naruto in the hug nodded his head. "Then trust in me that I will tell you when you are ready. And you won't have to worry about people harming you okay. After today you will won't have to worry about anything okay." Naruto again nodded as the Hokage released. Now he had another reason to try hard in the council meeting today if he want to improve Naruto life and with that in mind Hiruzen headed towards the council chamber with a steeled resolve and firm mind.

Hey guys it's another chapter for DSK I am currently working on what actually occurs in the meeting so wait for a few days as I am currently preparing for my exam. And this coming Wednesday would be the last one so after that I will post the meeting one and will work a bit on the previous chapters and will start with the academy so be prepared. In the end don't forget to vote and comment for your favorite story also I also started writing another fanfic of bnha you can check it out too.

Lights out guys.

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