↞ Chapter Eleven ↠

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Season Two, Episode Five

Noble always appeared excited, and this was displayed to me as he shouted my name and approached me with open arms. "Alvie!"

I stepped off of my motorcycle, pulling my helmet off and accepting the hug. When he pulled back I readjusted my jacket, buttoning one button in the front and setting my helmet on the seat. Noble whistled, taking a look at my bike before complimenting it.

"Right, so give me a minute, I'm going to be serious, and I'm terrible at it." I faced him, making my face a neutral one as he set his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for saving my life."

"You're welcome." Noble made a face, and I reassured him that I was accepting his thank you. He led the way up the stairs and into the restaurant, and I have to say that even if he's part of some crime family he does have nice taste in decor.

A women was singing as we walked in, the Leonard Cohen song, and I smiled as she did. I've always had an appreciation for music, a rather large one at that, but an appreciation nonetheless.

"My sister Bianca." Noble spoke from beside me, "Don't want what you can't have."

I couldn't help but laugh, and he asked my why. "I'm afraid to say that I swing the, other way."

Noble snorted, and when I looked at him, he muttered the words 'me too' and suddenly I had a feeling how far this undercover would go, and that Jameson needed to know the next time I saw him. Bianca finished the song, "Come on, sing something from Mamma Mia!" Noble shouted, and I laughed.

Bianca looked disappointed, stepping off of her stool and walking towards us. We met her halfway. "Bianca, Alvie Jones. Alive, my kid sister Bianca."

"It's a pleasure." I smile, extending my hand to the woman.

"Well you didn't say he was British." She shook my hand. "Thanks for saving my brothers life I guess." I laughed at her enthusiasm, and she walked away. My gaze moved to the piano, and before I could really think about it, I was moving towards it.

"You mind?" I look over my shoulder at Noble, and he shakes his head, motioning to the piano with a look that says 'go ahead.' I sit down, rubbing my hands together, before placing them in the ready position. I started simply, the tune of Swan Lake left my hands, and I smiled as I played.

I didn't do it for long, stopping myself after reaching the melody, people started to arrive, and I was suddenly nervous. "Well." Noble spoke with a smile, and I shrugged my shoulders as I stood.

Noble said about needing a drink, we both took a seat at the bar. He spoke Italian, which I was expecting, my mind translating his words as he spoke. He ordered a Sambuca, a drink that I couldn't remember what. I asked for a glass of wine.

"You can still drink?" I asked, and he nodded.

"It wasn't Sambuca that put me in the hospital." He took a sip, "But I am doing the twelve steps, and step nine is what I am doing here tonight. Making amends."

"Which is why I'm here?"

"No," He pat me on the leg as he spoke. I tensed up, "You I need to thank. The guy who gave me the bad mash I need to make amends to."

I sipped my wine, "I think, I think I've got that covered for you." He started to ask how, when suddenly my drink wasn't in my hand anymore. I turned.

"Ah, Alvie." Noble stood, and I followed, looking at the man who took my glass. "This is my Uncle Philly."

"Sir," I nodded to him, and he returned my glass too me. He told Noble to scatter, and he did, and suddenly I was very nervous.

"So, Alvie yes?" I nodded, relaxing my shoulders a bit as I took a sip of my wine. "You got any family Alvie?"

I shook my head. "Not really, I've got an aunt in Dublin, Mum and Dad passed."

"I am sorry to hear that." He didn't sound very sorry. "There's one thing I don't get. You get an ambulance, you send Noble to the hospital, but you don't go with him. Why?"

"Not sure I understand the question sir." I stick my hand in my pocket, throwing a glance around the room.

"Good Samaritan like you, why didn't you go with him?"

"Ah," I mutter, before speaking just a bit louder. "No hurry, I had a, dealer. To deal with. Won't be selling any of that bloody mash anytime soon." I felt strange, taking credit for a crime that I had no need or want to commit, but the man appeared satisfied with my answer.

"Right." He clears his throat, calling Noble over and getting the room to quiet. "Excuse me! Good evening, welcome everyone. Before my beautiful niece Bianca serenades us." He motions to her, and she smiles brightly. I take another sip of my wine, not expecting the man to smack my shoulder once again. "I wanted to introduce a very, very special guest tonight. Alvie here, he is the Good Samaritan who we have to thank for Noble being alive to host us tonight."

The room erupts into applause, and I smile inclining my head towards them all. Phil speaks again, "So, Alvie. From the bottom of our hearts, molto grazie." Everyone cheers each other as Phil taps his glass against mine.

"Prego Signor Sanfino, grazie per avermi qui stasera." Phil and Noble laugh loudly, and the others in the room that heard me laugh as well.

"Pretty good for a Cockney yeah?" Noble jokes, throwing an arm over my shoulder, and it's like I suddenly remember where I am. Not with friends, but with people who could kill me without getting their hands dirty.

The rest of the night was alright, and everyone expressed there gratitude every time they approached me. I was able to showoff a bit, speaking in Italian, French, German, and a few others just for clarity sake. I came up with a decent cover, I was a traveler. Picked up the languages as I went, use them now as a way to flirt. I tried my best to avoid any flirting with Noble, no matter how insistent he was about it.

I left after midnight, the worst feeling in my chest.


Translations from Italian:

Molto grazie= "Thank you"

Prego Signor Sanfino, grazie per avermi qui stasera= "You're welcome Mr. Sanfino, thank you for having me here tonight."

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