1: A Concubine for the Prince

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"It's time he had a woman."

Queen Damayanti hesitated, fearful of stoking her husband's anger further. But she had to intervene. The King's plan was awful, and she must dissuade him.

"Isn't that something he should decide for himself?"

"He won't hunt. He can't fight. He embarrasses us with his ridiculous abolitionist friends. It's high time he became a man."

"He's still so young, my King."

"You've kept him a child too long. He's nineteen. More than old enough. I had my first concubine at sixteen, and she was a handful, I can tell you. Subduing her taught me how to rule better than any tutor. It'll be the making of him."


"But nothing. I wonder how YOU dare to speak on the matter at all. It's your fault to begin with. There's too much of your blood in the boy. Weak blood. If you had done your duty and provided more heirs there would be no need for this."

He had never been a compassionate man, but these words cut deep. All those lost babies. She bit her tongue and held her silence.

"You know the truth of it. After your failure he must prove he can father children before any decent House will give us their daughter. I have made my decision. He will do as I command, and so will you."

There was no point in opposing him further. He would not be swayed when he was in this mood. If only she could be sure their son would obey. January had never shown any interest in women. This could be the battle which pushed him to open rebellion against his father. With no other legitimate heirs, she wouldn't put it past the King to execute them both so he was free to marry again. Well, if she couldn't stop the thing, at least she could make sure it was managed well.

"As you wish, my King. I will speak with our son at once."

"No. I'll see to this myself. Send for the Holy Mother. I will inform my son after it is arranged."


Damayanti hovered in the corridor, round the corner from the room where the King was receiving the Holy Mother. Warrior knows what the man was saying to her. He would not thank her for interfering, but she must find a way to speak to the woman before she left the palace. If she could make it appear as if she happened to pass by just as their meeting ends, perhaps she could escort the Holy Mother back to her carriage. The King would not want the trouble of the walk, and protocol demanded appropriate respect. This Mother had been around a while, she was no fool. She'd sold enough girls to the King over the years. She would want to avoid disgracing her Goddess House by sending an unsuitable girl to such a high profile placement. Their aims should align, if only she could speak to her alone.

The door crashed open with the King's usual level of discretion. Hurriedly, she pretended to be walking, shooting a sharp glance at her guards to indicate they should do the same. These ones could be trusted to keep their mouths closed. After what happened last year, none of them wanted to get in the middle of a royal domestic.

She strode around the corner, flanked by her guards, and feigned surprise at seeing the King shepherding the Holy Mother out of the room.

"My King!" It was safer to acknowledge him first. "And Goddess be praised, it is so good to see you Mother. Are you here to bring more happiness to our House?" She beamed a smile. Many years had taught her to plaster a façade of acceptance over her disdain for her husband's whoring.

"If the Goddess wills it, Your Majesty, that is my hope." the old woman replied, giving nothing away.

"She's here about a girl for the Prince. I've explained the sort to bring, and Mother says she can bring one in a few weeks."

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