Chapter 12: A Funeral

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 It was, surprisingly, a beautiful day. The sun was shining, birds were singing, children were playing, and not a single crime was being committed. But a little ways from the city, a group of people were standing around a grave, dressed in all black. It was a small group, just close friends and family of the deceased, silent tears sliding down their cheeks. An empty casket being lowered into the ground. A young girl sniffled, hiding in her father's arms. No one knew what to say, what could they say? What could they say about the villain turned hero, about the girl that saved so many?

Slowly, as if unsure whether she could bring herself to break the silence, one voice spoke up. "I-" the speaker took a deep breath, "I never knew my sister, not really." Her voice shook as she spoke, "B-but, I still loved her. I knew she was a hero, I-I knew she.." she trailed off, trying to swallow her tears. "I, just wish.." she couldn't take it anymore, the raven-haired girl turned and placed her head on her friend's shoulder, her sobs now louder.

Another voice spoke up, "I knew her. I got to know her over seven years, and she was family to me - even if she wasn't related by blood," the girl squeezed her dad's hand. "I came to her so cold and lost, and she took me in, and helped me. We helped so many people together, she- she helped give me a purpose, a-and I-I... I don't know what I'll do without you, Y/N. I'll always love you."

One by one more and more voices spoke up, reliving fond memories, or just talking about what Y/N had meant to them. Slowly, the tears were replaced with sad smiles.

"While trying to make the water tunnel, she slipped in and got all wet, and when I laughed at her she just pulled me in too."

"When we were younger she would always get in trouble for climbing on top of the chandelier - to this day I don't know how she did it."

"Once she got into a staring competition with a cow and almost got ran over."

And the stories continued, everyone sharing something, even Todoroki brought himself to mention something.

In the distance, a lone figure rested against a nearby tree, their hand resting over their belly. As the figure watched, a single tear slid down their face.

"Hurry up, I don't want to be here long," a rough voice called to the figure.

At the sound, the figure tensed, then with one last longing look at the funeral, turned towards the blue-haired man. I'm sorry everyone, I'm so, so sorry.


Hey guys! That's the end of this story, I hope you enjoyed it! Do you think I should make a sequel? Also, I need a cover, so if any of you are artistically talented ('cause I'm sure not) please send in a picture!

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