Craving Christmas

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This story was contributed by Tamara Lush as a bonus addition to this story

"Well, you've now seen it all. The booming metropolis of St. Augustine." I waved my hand at the windshield as I navigated my dad's BMW past mansion after mansion decorated with glittering holiday lights. "People in this neighborhood go all out. In every neighborhood, really."

From the passenger seat, Rafael grinned. "It's nice. Small. I like it. Change of pace from Miami."

"You do? Really?" I wrinkled my nose as we came to a stop sign. Ever since we'd arrived yesterday, I'd wondered what he thought of my hometown. Scared it would be awkward to stay at my dad's house. Worried he'd figure out I was uninteresting and a little screwed up, then break it off.

"Aww, babe." He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. He smelled fresh and citrusy from the new Armani cologne I'd bought him for his birthday. "You thought I wouldn't like it here because it's so small? Because it's not the city?"

"Yeah. It's not what you're used to."

"Because it's mostly white, with no Cubans, no Haitians, no South Beach, no hustle?"

"Yeah, that." I accelerated gently. We were close to the historic downtown, which is why throngs of tourists were strolling the sidewalks, taking in the holiday displays in the store windows. My hometown went all out for two things: pirate festivals and Christmas.

"Justine, I don't care if we're on the moon or the North Pole. I'm here for you. It's our first holiday together. We're on break from school, there's no Miami traffic, and we had an awesome drive up here together. I got to meet your dad for the first time and you gave me that amazing present this morning."

He squeezed my knee and laughed wickedly. Earlier this morning I'd snuck into his bed — my dad made us sleep in separate rooms, but he'd gone to work — and I'd given Rafa a book of photos. Sexy photos. Of me. It was the boldest thing I'd ever done, but since I met Rafael in October, I kept doing newer and bolder things. He was my first in every way possible.

And my only.

"It's the best winter break ever, muñeca. And we've still got," he checked his watch, "four hours until Christmas. How can it get better?"

As I drove, I spotted two things almost simultaneously. Sugar Rush, one of my favorite places in town, and a parking space a block away. I took a sharp turn toward the space and Rafa gripped the door handle. He usually drove, but tonight, I'd insisted on taking one of my dad's cars because I knew the area.

"Here's how it will get better. Frozen hot cocoa at Sugar Rush. It's a holiday tradition."

"My sweetie wants something sweet."

God, his voice. So low and sensual that it made me shiver. I brought the car to a stop in the middle of the lane. "How do you manage to sound so dirty when saying something so innocent?"

He laughed. "Justine? You sure you can parallel park? This is bigger than your little car."

"Yeah, I'm good. No problem here."

After three tries, I gave up and let Rafael take over. I gestured to the car as we switched spots. "You're used to this, having grown up in the city and all. Plus I'm spatially challenged."

"You're not challenged at all. Your mind's on cocoa. Or something else."

Like that wicked grin of his. I still couldn't believe Rafa was my boyfriend. Never did I dream that I'd meet the love of my life before I turned twenty. I was only a freshman in college, and I knew he was the man I wanted to marry. Weird, right? And yet, it felt perfect.

Deck The Halls With Brand New Stories: Ho Ho Holiday AnthologyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt