Chapter 19 Concubine training

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Emma's POV sometime in the future. 

The Concubine house of the vestal virgins 

 Emma has just been machine-gunned to death. 

We join me in the present. Yes, I've explained a time jump. Feeling patronised enough yet? OK, I have a thing about getting confused in non-linear narratives and I'm looking at you Bill and Ted's excellent adventure.

I woke up in the now-familiar spectral machine. It took me a moment to realise what had happened. I had been in a cage at the Vestal Virgins when somebody had killed me...the she spider of miss Marissa. I felt terrible, I felt like a bus station had just shat in my mouth.

I heard a 'ping' outside like a microwave.

The draw I was in then moved forward and I emerged naked from the machine. There was a slave girl and Bex in the room with me. I looked at the slave girl for a second and recognised her as an older Jane Mansfield.

Behind concubine girl Jane Mansfield were a couple of dangerous looking robots. Dangerous in the I will rip you apart way, not a hazardous I might accidentally cut your finger off If I move unexpectedly way.

Bex was getting dressed and I noticed I was now naked. I felt embarrassed - which is odd the robots don't have any parts, why should I feel like Chris Hemsworth was in the room? It took me a minute to zone in. I had been getting a job but was arrested for not having a pack. I had been given to the Vestal virgins as a trainee slave/concubine. Someone had obviously killed me or something. You tend to lose your memories of just before death - it's why people stuck to slow forms of death to a) make you suffer more and b) let you remember why afterwards c) actually I only had a and b reasons I'm kind of overextending my self with reason c).

Jane handed over a bronze bikini. Which was OK I wasn't expecting a long lost hug.

"Put it on. Get your hair up and do your make up." She said. She had eyebrows like two black slugs who were about to try to mate at speed.

"I'm not wearing that. Not until I have a dignity bypass or something" I said. "I've seen a thong with more style."

At this point one of the robots moved forward, dangerous it lifted its gun. I heard the safety catch go off.

"You know what for some reason I've changed my mind! I can't think why " I said reaching for the bikini. I slipped it on. "Wow demeaning and degrading really suits me. Who knew?" I said

"You make it rock sister," said Bex typing in her hand and then doing her makeup.

"Do you make up. Emma." Said the slave girl Jane.

Wow, this was Jane M. She had recognised me.

I looked at her. "I literally don't know how," I said honestly. Makeup wasn't my thing, pink hair was about my decorative limits. Think I'm a traitor to girl kind ? Get over it. Do you want to know my secret - extreme lazyness. To be honest I think my aversion to ever walking down a make up isle anywhere speaks for its self.

"So you just steal the stuff to sell on to others, you just don't use it your self?" Jane said.

"No," Bex said "It means she hasn't done the mandatory concubine presentation training"

I pursed my lips "You could put it like that. I like to think of it as having some last shreds of self-esteem."

Bex was typing on her open palms with her thumbs again "Hashtag that won't last long." She said not looking at me but at her fingers.

Jane Mansfield tilted her head. "Hold her." She said to the robots.

I've never seen machines move so fast and If I had to admit it, gracefully. They grabbed me and twisted my arms behind my back. Yes, it hurt and I was bent bowing to miss Jane nasty slave-girl- Mansfield, I tilted my head up while Jane looked in a cupboard. She pulled a teaching cap out and checked it, and push one disk in.

"No," I said "No. I don't do these things."

"Ni allwch aros yn forwyn anwybodus ar hyd eich oes."  she said in welsh. So far I had manage to resist artificial learning. It was such a Lycan way of doing things. I detested everything about it. Well, I hated everything about the Lycans.

Before I could say much more she pushed the magic cap on my head and I felt like someone was stuffing an electric eel in my brain. A few seconds of brainstorm later and I could hardly use my tongue. Then Jane pulled the cap away and the robots let me go.

"Oww what did you do to me?" I asked I had never used a teaching machine before I wondered what I had been taught.

"Hang on," I said, "how do I know my porn star name?"

I looked at Bex "You were a fat lot of help."

Bex ignored me and typed on her thumbs "We've all been their honey. Smiley face" she said while she 'typed'. I was just beginning to realise what I had learnt.

"OMG. I've got more porn in my head than a fat boy's dorm room." I said staggering. I was aware I knew far more about sex than I had ever thought possible. "I now know what 69 is. Yuck! And French kissing. Someone get this slut-pertise out of my brain."

"No one can unlearn something. Welcome to being a concubine for our alien overlords" Said Jane Mansfield."sort you're self out."

Jane was right. I now knew exactly how to give my self a sultry make over. Within minutes I was an X rated knock-off of my self and not a Hollywood make up artist in sight.

"Look at me," I said to Bex "I'm so made up, I make a Bratz look like a hippy nanny."

"Selfie!" Said Bex. She held the palm of her hand up. Put her head next to mine and pouted. I couldn't be angry at her so I joined in.

"Click," she said waving her thumb.

Bex broke away looking at her cupped plam and waving her finger at it. "That's a keeper. What filter shall I use?" She asked.

"I don't know. Do you have a de-porn filter?" I said.

"Naa" Bex began as she walked out "You rock."

I staggered after the striding Bex and the led robot.


"For some reason, I know about offal, wait and I know wayyyy toooo much about sex." I said slapping the side of my head "do you know anywhere I can get a cheap lobotomy?"

My brain now knew so much about every sex act it would make Stormy Daniels slut-shame me.

Bex walked along staring at her hands not looking where she was going. I was impressed she could to it in the stilettos she wore. Then I realised I was wearing the same. I looked at the rooms as we passed them. In one room I could see about ten young men in slave girl outfits doing poll dancing.

"They are not doing that right? Call that seductive?" I said "They really aren't selling that. That's the worse poll dancing ever. I've seen more sex from a geriatric hippopotamus with an artificial hip."

Then I realised I had never seen any poll dancing before in my life. "OMG, I know how to pole dance? "

"Tick," said Bex walking along looking at her cupped hands.

"Turn right," said the robot and we did.

"Is it bad that everything I hear now sounds like innuendo?" I said.

"It wears off." Bex said never looking up from her hands. " back arrow, back arrow, Never". It kind of looked like she was a nun in prayer. If nuns walked around semi-naked in heels. Then I wondered if Bex had deliberately said something innuendoish.

I looked around. I now knew I was in some kind of slave Wearhouse, think of it as Amazon for future concubine-slaves. We would be trained then sold. By 'trained' it meant we would be horribly beaten until we knew our 'place'. People, especially alien people, could be very cruel to 'betas'. It wasn't difficult to imagine all you have to do is THINK of high school but no one ever gets to graduate.

Bex and I arrived back in slave class where Miss Marissa was getting the slave girls to stand in line. She turned to us as we came in then punched me to the floor.  

A/N Well our trip down memory lane is over and we are back in the future with Bex and Emma having been freshly caught/sold/whatever. How is Emma going to handle concubine training? To find out join us next week for new Christmas chapter Death by  .. well everything. Hugs to all our Readers/ We super appreciate the reads. RK&Reb.

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