I'm sorry

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Chim;you post

Taealien, jinhere, sugar_tea,woosan+34,00 has like the photo

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Taealien, jinhere, sugar_tea,woosan+34,00 has like the photo.

Chim;you: tae tae thanks for making me feel better.

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Jimin POV

After I posted on Instagram I start to head down for breakfast. "Morning Jimin" my dad walk over to the table to set the pancakes down. "Morning" I sat down at table eating than grab my bookbag and head to school.

Time skip

I arrive at school to see the same thing students swarm around Jungkook,Yoongi, Namjoon. I wanted to walk over there and ask why he ignoring me but I knew where that would lead while his friends are over there.
I didn't notice I was staring until I made eye contact with jungkook making me turn around and walk into the school.
I hurry to my locker because I didn't want to run into yoongi or none of them while in the hallways. I wanted today to be easy just get to class and just head home.
I put my things away and grab some of my books for my first three classes. I head to class but before I can get there I see them walking into school I knew I had to hurry before they can call me out.
I look around only to find come classrooms but there weren't the ones I need get too. I see a bathroom but it was neutral so anyone can go in there. I hurry to make my way but there were people in the way.
"Excuse May I get pass" I ask nicely but they act like they couldn't here me. "Excuse me I'm trying to get into the bathroom." They just look at me then turn back to there conversation so I just push pass them I would rather push pass you than be caught by jungkook and his clan.
Before I can close the door someone foot got in between it, I look up to see jungkook. "Jungkook I'm trying to use the bathroom" but he wasn't moving he just push into the bathroom with me making my eyes widen at his movements. "W-w-what are d-doing?" What does he thinks he's doing and why am I stuttering.

"I need to talk to you" I pause but then I try to leave the bathroom but he grabs me and push me in the bathroom wall 'germs' ew.
"What the hell jeon?" I try to push my him off but he wasn't budging.
"Jungkook please move" I was trying to be nice but he really testing me.
"No, I'm talking and you are listening got that?"he tone was deep but whatever.
"I'm sorry for ignoring I just didn't know how to come up towards you." Wow shocker " after that moment I didn't know if you still wanted to talk or how should I approach this........ I'm feeling things I'm not suppose to fell at all." What did he just saw jeon jungkook catching feelings for me hah funny.
"Jeon this isn't some joke" I try to move again but he held my hand above my head.

"Didn't I say you will listen to what I'm saying you keep talking shut up " his tone was much more of dominance. I nodded my head letting him finish.
"I'm not joking I'm not suppose to have feelings like this what are you doing to me Park Jimin." I just stood there I couldn't move jeon jungkook lowkey confess towards me what the fuck he never confess towards no one.
"Min Jimin Jimin." "Huh" I've been caught in a daydream. "You space out, so will you like be my.......boyfriend." I can tell he was nervous he kept scratching the back of his neck and his eyes where always somewhere else but I know what imma do just can't get me that's easy.
"Sorry but no jeon you see you have to try harder than that." I feel him move closer towards me making no room for separation. "J-j-jeon what are you doing?" He goes closer towards my ear and whisper a couple of words to make my eyes go wide.
"Baby you want to play at that game? Ok then let's do it but get mad when I have you screaming out my name begging me to end your punishment for making me wait." I see him chuckle than leaves me in the bathroom shock.

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