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Squirrelnyan: What you mean it not on sell?! –notice the reader- Hey your about to read my Fanfic before you continue I'm goanna have few rules If you know my storyline from my RP account don't spoil it as there some twist and turn you cannot miss, and 2 I'm keeping this to at least PG maybe PG 13 sometimes who knows, and 3 critic are welcome now it time to start the show!

-SkipPlayz Present-

Yo-kai Watch


In world far way there many timeline in one timeline is one where I got this story out in 2018 but hey better late than never let me tell you story that star far away in the solar system back in 2010 there was this boy name Nate Adams he became the first watcher in a long time met a cat name Jibanyan and an ice cream ghost name Whisper as he helped Yo-kai solve problem to save people days and sometimes the world he soon found out his grandpa made the yo-kai watch he grandpa Nathaniel Adams and have his own cat partner name Hovernyan who they help defeated the wicked not to long after he meet Hailey an watch who she bit over excited with everything and have otter dress as partner knew as Usapyon she was kind of weird but it the norm at this point every know that Nate have crush on Katie but what if something happen that she reject him.

In the middle of space an UFO is flying in the sky inside it was a bottom class ACK member Pair-A-Clock but PAC is what most people call him for short mission after mission he failed at task as ACK, A-Cupid-Klub an type of alien that he supposed to make people fall in love but he so bad at his jobs so he was assigned to do the most average person to fall in love.

"There no way I'm going to mess this up sir." said PAC the Alien with a glass top a cylinder body, pointy elf ears, with a black jacket and blue shirt with jeans.

"You mess up everything Charlie with Veruca, Ash with Misty, Tai with..." the Alien King just went on mumbling with PAC mistake in the pass.

"I know you don't need to remind me of my million mistake a made over the thousands of year I been live I'm still teenager in my kind you know that right!" Said PAC rebelling in the talk.

"And In that thousands of year you fail, fail, fail, fail one more time you're goanna be fire!" as the Alien King said as he exit the call.

"Oh being fire, fire, fire blah blah!" said PAC as he flying to the 2010 he took this job as way to escape the same scenery of his planet to see what bunch of planets look like for his own good.

He landed in Springdale, Japan to take care of his latest job Nate Adams he look at his profile everything about him is so normal, normal height, normal clothes, normal shoes, the only thing that does not look normal is his 3 spike hair but still it feels normal for him.

"Man is everything about this guys is normal and the girl he goanna be with so normal girl I feel bad for the boring life he goanna have a normal family with a boy and girl and maybe pet" PAC feel something was too predictable with this match he does not know if it fate or not he want to say what happen if he used his anti arrows he never used them before cause he always miss with normal arrows but he wonder what happen if he try to do something weird for this world with a deep breath he said.

"I wonder how this goes..." PAC said his he use his anti-arrow at Katie with bit worrying tone he knew he goanna get fire but he want to see other event happen because he have other opinions and not want everyone to predict the predictable.

With Nate he was goanna confess his love to Katie ever since kindergarten he have a crush on her so today he was goanna tell her and if it went well he even brought some chocolate for a surprise he and Katie was seating at bench where everything about to go down

"So Katie I been waiting to ask you this do you love me?!" Nate said in a voice that trying not coming as desperate.

"Sorry Nate I don't feel the same about you I can understand why you like me but your bit weird and act strange I don't want to date someone like that I'm sorry." Katie said as she walks away from the bench.

Nate was heartbroken he start to cry on the bench until someone came out revealing she was watching the whole thing Hailey Anne a bit of geeky girl but she even know when it right time to be calm

"Sorry I was spying you I watch the whole thing and she wrong for not accepting you." Hailey said looking at Nate.

"Really?!" Nate said trying not to cry.

"You got her a whole bag of chocolate and she think you're not boyfriend materiel she only seeing you from the outside but I want to know you from the inside" as Hailey say that point at her heart.

"Yeah your right I been chasing the wrong girl where the real girl who love me was the one I never expected" said Nate.

Then the two start sharing chocolate together and started to get along about stuff they enjoy like Space Wars, Sailor Cutie, etc. PAC was happy with the result he went back to the UFO to time travel back to his planet.

"Now attention to myself everything from here in smooth sailing from here back to my home planet..." as PAC was saying that he got call from the Alien King.

"YOU MESSSED UP AGAIN!" Alien King yells full anger in his call.

"Sorry sir" PAC said in bored tone.

"PUT IT UP IN SCREEN MODE YOU HAVE NOT PUT IT UP IN ALL DAY!" Alien King demand at this second.

PAC put it in screen mode revealing a giant circle face that look similar like PAC cover the whole screen the Alien King was in his throne relaxing like he always do in his planet which is also PAC Planet.

"Okay we gave you passed on jobs before because you said you made mistake it fine but because you did it on purpose this time were going to punish so were sending you into 2030 the future you made and spend the rest of your life there! So goodbye" Alien King said as the screen call turn off and portal open in front of PAC.

"Not today..." PAC said as he try to steer the UFO away from the portal but it got stuck in anyways despite of PAC best effort.

The portal open up to Springdale japan in 2030 as the UFO start from sky and crash through a bill board for Gem Corp and landed in a corn flied at mount wildwood.

From a building above an adult woman with red hair which cover one of her eye and wearing witch dress that was looking at the UFO falling from the sky.

"Hmm it seem it not be too long until my plan are goanna be moving, I need to know this alien better if he going be problem to my plans" The girl disappear.

Squirrelnyan: Well that it for this chapter as to be it been said by narrator before as the adventure continue! 

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