Faustina groaned sitting up like she did in the cave, the gasped replacing it into a groaned because of Qetsiyah's fracturing her neck, "A vampire, a witch, and psychic who's soulmate with an Original. Now i've seen everything"
"Where the bloody am I?" Faustina said, her voice still raspy, "Here, you need it" Qetisyah says tossing the blood bag at her.
"How do you supposed to drink this?" Faustina said confused as she quickly catch the blood bag, "You sip it on the straw" Stefan answered her confusion about the blood bag, "Straw? You mean this clear object that's poking out of the bag" Faustina said, sipping the straw veins appearing under her eyes as her eyes turns into a orange mixing with red like fire.
"Y-your eyes are different" Stefan stated like a question, "W-where's Kol?" Faustina asked stuttering, realizing that she hasn't seen her soulmate. Stefan's eyes widen also now realizing that she's soulmate with Kol, not any Originals who's currently alive but still confused why isn't she dead if her Soulmate is dead.
"Go on and tell her what happened to her soulmate Stefan" Qetsiyah said with a smirked, "Klaus d-dagger him, he haven't pull it out since like forever " Stefan stutters through his lies becoming anxious, "ut runs calidum sanguinem tuum mentiri te quotiens eam" Qetsiyah says casting a spell, mostly a hex that can removed while she was getting the greens out of the casket.
"You're lying, Niklaus will never put his brother in any pain" Faustina said making Stefan's blood boiled, screaming of hot his body feels familiar with the pain as he was kneeled down but hers was more stronger maybe because the spell was created by a powerful witch, and that powerful witch was Faustina's Mother which made the spell more vulnerable for her to use than any other witch, "S-s-stop!" Stefan screamed.
"I didn't wake you, for you to punish who's knows your lover's well being" Qetsiyah said, "I beg your pardon, aren't you that naive witch that thought the man who you love would love you back? And by punishing that man, you killed his true love, am I not right?" Faustina said letting go of Stefan.
"You know nothing of me" Qetsiyah said sternly, "I know enough of you, I as well do know your side of the story " Faustina said smirking, "For someone who just discovered about her lover's painful wellbeing, it seems to me that you never loved him, by how you're acting right now, it seems like you never loved him, cared for him and it looks like it is not affecting you" Qetsiyah says putting down the greens around the cabin.
"How could you know of how I feel about him, you never even felt what I had with him, to love someone such as much as they love you" Faustinasaid continued to smirked, "I may not experience that kind of love but I know the feeling of betrayal by the person you love" Qetsiyah said, "Betrayal? Is this how these call it now a days" Faustina states, "I just realized that you and Kol's smirked are similar, familiar words that comes out your mouth and maybe your death would be the same as his" She continues ignoring Faustina saying. "How do you know that?" Faustina asked in a mumbles, "Don't you like to know" Qetsiyah says, not letting her know that her soulmate is dead since she had seen him walk around the other side. "You know, I can put you into the living dead, in a matter of seconds?" She tells Faustina, which honestly untrue.
"Go on then, make my death an early due" Faustian said, "You will be giving me a favor as well" she continued, "I can't kill you, doesn't mean I don't want to, it is because he'll need you" Qetsiyah says before she uses her magic to make Stefan's head ache as he kneels down like before and giving him a unconscious state.
Stefan was surrounded by the greens that Qetsiyah has picked from outside of the cabin before she found Faustina awake and outside the cave.
The door was opened by the dark raven haired man with blue eyes, "Stefan" He says walking towards Stefan who's seating in a chair tied up, "Couldn't call a brother?" He asked not realizing Faustina was there in the corner, "Nice to see you, too, Damon" Stefan said looking up sweats on his forehead.
"What the hell is going on here?" Damon asked looking the surrounding that he's in, finally noticing Faustina's appearance in the cave, "Well, Silas' ex-girlfriend decide to come from the other side" Stefan answered him.
"Qetsi-whatever? Who the hell are you?" Damon said turning his body towards Faustina, "Faustina Petrova, greetings to you too, Damon" Faustina said sending a small smile.
"It's Qetsiyah" Qetisyah appeared from the cabin holding a flower, "Do you see why i want change it?" She said holding the flower's petals, "W-wait Katherine has a sister?" Damon asked, "No, she does not, why the bloody hell do they keep asking that idiot of a question" Faustina said.
"You won't be able to break those vines the spell won't release him until I get what I want" Qetsiyah said walking towards the fireplace pouring the melted iron from another bowl, "Well i guess the rumors are true you are ray of sunshine" Damon said following Qetsiyah's presence whom is kneeling down closely to the fireplace, "Question-Why is my brother wearing your compost vile" Damon said.
"She's gonna link Stefan to Silas casting a spell in his doppelgänger" Faustina answered him before Qetsiyah did, making Qetsiyah stood up and making her to Stefan, "Once he's weakened, I will force him to take the cure" Qetsiyah said finishing Faustina's answer.
"Well that's a good idea, force the cure down his throat. The cure's gone, done, it's ingested" Damon said, "Katherine you mean" Qetsiyah stated as she keep twirling the bowl full of melted iron around in circle motion with the both of her hands, "I am aware of her condition, she was supposed to be with you" Qetsiyah continued.
"Wait. Katherine took the cure?" Stefan said looking confused of why would Katherine take it, "We have a lot to catch up on, Stefan" Damon said while Faustina kept quiet interested in the events that she's currently witnessing.
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