//Snowed In\\

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[Annie's POV]

Annie: *serving* ~Its been 5 days, we moved back to the apartment Johnny would stay late to read and play with Unique. Today he was picking her up from school, they were at the movies and I was almost done with my shift.~ *putting on her coat*

Mer: Its snowing hard.

Annie: Yeah ~We looked out the window. Just as Johnny pulled in, I smiles when Unique came out and into the diner.~ Hey did you guys have fun?

Unique: Yeah!! *smiles* We played in the arcade and went to a bookstore.

Helen: Yeah yeah.

Unique: *mutters* And we picked up a rodent.

Johnny: Well Helen you can go home now, we're gonna go to. *pushes her out* Buh bye

Annie: ~We said bye to everyone and left. At the apartment I got Unique ready for bed, Johnny went to read to her while I was washing dishes from breakfast.~

Johnny: It's snowing harder, you can't even see the roads!

Annie: ~I went over to the window and noticed It was.~ Looks bad.

Johnny: Are you done?

Annie: Yeah *nods and sits down* I am exhausted.

Johnny: *pulls her close* Me too. Helen has Hayden and I so stressed.

Annie: What did she want talk to you about? ~He wrapped his arms around me as we laid on the couch.~

Johnny: She wants me to write a whole new Christmas song and well... She thinks that you and Unique should be in the video.

Annie: No. *looks at him*

Johnny: *smiles* Good cause I want you guys all to myself *kisses her cheek*

Annie: ~I smiled and let him kiss my cheek repeatedly, I turned and kissed him.~

Johnny: Does that mean I can sleep in your bed?

Annie: *smirks* Yeah right. ~I got up, He sighed and pulled the blanket over his body.~

Johnny: I'm so cold.

Annie: Oh stop! *smiles, glances away* Fine come on.

Johnny: Yay!

Annie: ~We went into my room and I went into the bathroom.~

[Johnny's POV]

Johnny: ~I was writing the song in Annie's bed. I had to have it ready on Christmas eve and the video comes out Christmas day, I had half of it finished when Annie came out in pajamas.~

Annie: What are you doing?

Johnny: Oh just the song. *smiles* you're adorable. I love you.

Annie: Thanks for the compliment. *gets in bed* I like you too.

Johnny: I love you too. ~She smiled and pushed me off the bed.~ Rude.

Annie: I'm going to sleep so either you do the same or get out.

Johnny: I've written over 50 songs, I can do it tomorrow.

-In the morning-

Johnny: ~I groaned at my phone ringing.~ Hello?

Dale: {Are Unique and Annie okay? I've been calling her for hours and she hasn't answered.}

Johnny: *chuckles* Gee dad I'm fine. But yeah they're here. Sleeping. ~I got out of bed and went into the livingroom.~ Snowed in?

Dale: {Yeah all the roads are blocked for the day. Just be safe until the roads are open.}

Johnny: We will, bye. ~I hung up and looked out the window, you couldn't even see the road or the curb.~

Unique: Thats alot of snow.

Johnny: *jumps* Holy! *sighs* You scared me to death!

Unique: *grins* Good.

Johnny: Good? *raises his eyebrows* What if I just tickle you to death! *starts tickling her*

Annie: You guys are so loud.

Unique: Mommy we're snowed in! *smiles* So I think we should make the gingerbread houses.

Annie: *ruffles her hair* Breakfast first.

Unique: Okay.

Johnny: ~Unique looked over at me giving me an evil smirk.~

Unique: Johnny and I can make breakfast! *pushing Annie back into the bed room* You get ready and relax *slams the door shut then opens it* Love you.

Johnny: *whispers* you know I can't cook!

Unique: Until today. Johnny your parents own a famous diner.

Johnny: Fine.. *smiles* But if we burn the place down its your fault.

Unique: Follow my instructions

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