The alley way was dark and cold. Snow flakes fell around the couple as they kissed. Zar pushed star against a wall. " merry Christmas my girlfriend" Suddenly zar was sucking on her neck the fur from his santa suit was tickling her breast. His mouth slowly made it's way up to her jaw line. " I'm sick of getting inturrept. I want you now" he said his voice so low it was almost a growl. Star let out a moan. Damn he was hot. The only warm thing in the alley was zars body against hers. Zar took one of his spider legs and ripped her shirt open exposing her green skin and lacy black bra. Star hasped against the cold. " do high want me star?" He asked his voice in a mock question he knew she wanted him it was written all over her body. He was finally in control. " I don't want you zar. I need you" With those words zars resolve crumbled to reveal an almost animal like beed for his girlfriend. He ripped off her skirt savoring the way she looked in her sexy black panties. Zar shoved his knee in between her legs he felt her wet sex pulse against him. Suddenly a cough alerted the pair from the corner. Star jumped up causing zars knee to hit her clit she shuddered in please as she grabbed her shirt and gun. And sitting there was L.
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" I'll leave now please proceed." He finished his banana on one gulp. * maybe from practicing on lights banana? I'll leave this to the law light shippers* and threw the peel on the ground and shuffled away hunched on his favorite position. Zar looked at his girlfriend somehow in that whole situation she lost her top again. Wow did she look sexy. Holding a gun in nothing but black lacy underwear. " um babe can we go home that guy kinda killed the mood." She said shock written all over her face. Zar sighed " fine but someday ill take you and it wont be in sparkles fanfiction." Zar repared her dress and together they walked home. If she gave zar an early present is up to you. * wink wink*