Draco Malfoy | 1 | pt. 2 to Twas' the Night before the Heartbreak

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Genre: Romance

A story of rejoice.

| New Years Edition | 12/31/19 |

Warning(s): a second chance, cursing


A woman, a party, and a friend.

It had been three years since you last talked to Draco.

Conveniently, once you found Draco cheating on you, your parents had to move to Russia and transfer you to Koldovstoretz. You were very much welcomed there and transitioning your life was simple as well. It had it's rough edges, but you knew that this is what was intended for you.

The thing is you didn't know what was going to happen if you see Draco or if you were even going to see him. The only thing you expected was for him to be with Astoria, happily, perhaps married like his parents wanted. Besides that you knew that your friends party was a reunion party between most of the Hogwarts students and there was a likelihood of seeing Draco.

"Y/N, I'm glad you could make it."

You turned and saw your friend, Micheal, "I'm happy to be here. You have a lovely home, Micheal. It's gorgeous and spacious."

Micheal blushed, "Hard work pays off and Leo is a great financial help, but I have to go, I'll talk to you another time, alright?"

"Oh! Of course, go ahead." You dismissed him with a nod.

Micheal left and you stood alone in a dark green satin dress. Everyone else had someone to speak to while you felt isolated and like an outcast.

10 minutes.
A man, a child, and a watch.

Draco gracefully entered the palace-like-home that Micheal, an old friend of his, owned. He stared down at the muggle device called a cellphone and saw a picture of his son and him making cookies, but he only paid attention to the time it said. It was nearing midnight and the end of the party.

Draco had made it late due to his son wanting his father to read him a story. Draco didn't mind especially when his two year old was his priority. Nonetheless, once he put his child to sleep his mother insisted on taking care of the young Scorpius and for Draco to go out and spend some out with people his age.

So, Draco decided to show up at the small reunion, late but nevertheless. He went towards a couple of former Slytherin classmates and began to converse.

"You still with Y/N?" a male, Slytherin classmate sipped on some champagne.

"No, uh, it actually ended three years ago." Draco answered.

"Really? I didn't know since I was homeschooled around the time the two of you were together. I quite liked her around. Quiet, but cunning." he said. The others beside Draco hummed in agreement.

"I think I saw her not so long ago. She was over by the couch talking to Leo." someone else said.

Draco looked towards the living area to see if you were there and in matter of fact. You were.

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