Chapter Two - Emerson.
I watched as the dreamy Silas laughed as one of his football team mates made some stupid gesture of someone. The soggy ham sandwich in front of him remained untouched, so as my too salty spaghetti.
Im just not hungry anymore. I'm not craving for the large size blueberry muffin from that adorable cafe at Monroe Street or that creamy strawberry pie our neighbour, Mrs Carpenter, always bake for us.
All I want right now is the gorgeous Silas Freemann she's been crushing on since year 6.
The cafeteria was packed with students, talking, laughing, stuffing themselves with the menu today, Ham sandwich, spaghetti or Onion and Beef Burger. Unfortunately, it doesnt taste as good as it sounds.
Behind all the uproarious surrounding, Silas still stood out. He's perfect. Stunning ocean blue eyes, the cute small nose and the locks of blonde hair framing his charming face.
"Em! please tell me you're joking. He's Silas Freemann!" Margo, my bestfriend said. Her blue eyes filled with doubts, and thanks to that, my stomach starts churning nervously. My agenda today was to ask Silas Freemann to the prom.
He will say yes. He will say yes. Then I will wear that pretty pink dress from my mom's collection.
I'm beautiful. Maybe, if I'm 30 pounds lighter, then I will classified myself as beautiful. Maybe..i'm cute?
Besides, Silas was still available. He still havent got a date, and I have to work fast as prom was in a few days. But then..what if he just got a date, maybe that sexy cheerleader, Tatianna, whose sitting way too close beside him in the Top Ranking Table.
Come to think of it, Tatianna just ate the Onion and Beef Burger. Boy, Silas must have a hard time breathing with Tatianna contaminating his space with her stinky Onion smell.
Okay, where were we. Yes. Silas, Prom. Now or never. I force myself up but only to find Margo gripping my arm firmly. She shook her head slowly. "Don't do this," she said.
I sighed.
"Look Marg.. I appreciate what you did but I really want you to stop right now. Cause this is my decision, whatever happens, I'm gonna take it all in, okay?"
Margo looked worried but she loosen her grip then hesistantly smiled and say "Go for it girl."
I smiled. Then I looked at the Top Ranking Table, trying my best to step out of my fear and collect my courage.
The Top Ranking Table consist of Silas and the entire football jocks, Tatianna and her giggling cheeleaders, Maia Soreyy, The Queen Bee and her boyfriend, Chaz Jones, whose also the school body president and her posh bestfriend, Felicia Stone. We called the table, Top Ranking since it belongs to the popular people in school. No one dares even to stand close to the table.
I breathed in and make one small step after another towards the dominant table.
I could feel eyes and whispers as i'm getting nearer. I took a second to look back at Margo whose giving me a thumbs up, trying her best to smile encouragingly.
The loud Top Ranking Table abruptly stopped as I step close to Silas.
All of them looked at me with curiousity.
"Yes?" asked a sweet but icey voice that belongs to Maia Sorrey whose in Chaz's arm.
Suddenly, I couldnt even say anything. "What is it sweetheart?" asked another icey voice from Felicia.
"I..i..i just..wanna..ask..S-S-Silas to the p-prom" Finally its out.
"Oohhh" the table chanted. The football team chuckling, Maia whispers something to Chaz then burst out laughing and the cheerleaders giggling in a strange identical tone.

Teen FictionAlexis and Emerson, two very different girls from two different lives meets and become best friends as the duo struggle together with their social issues and learn the true meaning of life and love.