Chapter 1

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So welcome! This is my new book, Spy School Reunion. It is technically a sequel to my other book, Spy School: Clash of Spies, but it doesn't directly correlate to it so you do not have to read the first one to understand this. But I highly recommend you do so. It is a fanfiction of the Spy School series by Stuart Gibbs.

It is told in first person from Ben's perspective, but sometimes it changes to third person for other character's point of view. Just a fair warning: there will be light swearing and a bit of action that can turn violent. It won't be graphic but there will be action. I'm also going to try to expand my writing techniques in this story. It should make sense but if it doesn't, just drop the question in the comments! :)

So with that, please enjoy Spy School Reunion. I love votes and reviews! And I love to hear constructive criticism too, as I am learning many writing techniques.

May, 2014

Dear [Censored]
CC: Cyrus Hale, Catherine Hale, Alexander Hale, CIA Director Jared Copperfield, Principal Barnes Sidebottom, Academy of Espionage staff

Subject: Academy of Espionage

Hello agents,
I would like to start by saying great work to everyone on Operation Yeasty Meerkat who not only prevented the decimation of many global landmarks, but saved the lives of many world leaders, including myself. Although we didn't catch Joshua Hallal, we do have some great information and now that agent Audrey Hale is on our side, we can proceed with taking down SPYDER. But I think it's safe to say that we won't be seeing them for a while. So good work to everyone who made that mission a success.

On to some graver news. I know that there were many young agents on Operation Yeasty Meerkat, including but not limited to, Ben Ripley, Audrey Hale and Erica Hale. They have been on many missions that helped our country and myself personally. That being said, I looked at the data and, save from a few talented young agents, the students from the Academy of Espionage who later become CIA agents end up at desk jobs or quit. About 1.2% of the agents who come out of the academy end up successful field agents. 39% of the Academy of Espionage students end up at a desk job, 7% work as janitors or other low-way jobs (where the Academy isn't necessary) and 28% end up quitting the CIA altogether right after their minimum two years are up. To make numbers even more alarming, 2% of the agents end up dead within five years of graduating and the rest are just failed field agents, who've never had a successful mission. There is also the issue that 0.7% of these spies-in-training turn against their country to become a double agent. These numbers are more than shocking. We've had this academy for decades, yet it hasn't really helped the CIA at all. We have way more success from people from the armed forces. Their mission success rates are exponential. To hire desk jocks, we can find them through Linkin and not send them to an all-expenses paid six-year academy. So what is the issue?

Maybe these students don't have the drive and dedication as the armed forces. Maybe they realized being a spy isn't all helicopters and car chases. Maybe they don't care. Whatever the case may be, something needs to change. The United States government is going through some rough financial times. It is no longer necessary or cost effective to even have a multi-million-dollar Academy of Espionage.

So, with a heavy heart, I say this: The Academy of Espionage will be shut down. Permanently.

I'm sorry,
David Stern
United States President


Studio Apartment; Washington DC
1930 hours
January, 2024
10 years later

I heard the beep and I jumped up in alarm. I wasn't expecting to hear the haunting beep so early. Beep, beep, beep. It wasn't going off! I had to do something before it was too late! As I walked carefully into the next room, the beeping suddenly stopped. Huh, weird. So as carefully as I could, I opened the machine. Warm air blew on my face as I took the hot object out. Grinning, I put it down. My cup of noodles was ready.

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