Meeting And Nightly Visits

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My name is Jack Frost
How I know that? Because the moon told me and I've been having an weird feeling for some days, weeks, months.... Even years! I didn't tell any of the other guardians because they'll probably just make fun of me so without any help I've been searching to where the feeling comes from and I finally found it, the kingdom of Arendelle

I knew right away that the feeling came from the castle where I saw the princesses play with Elsa her powers, I knew she has to be the one who gave me this feeling and so from that day on I've been going there every day, almost any time that the guardians didn't need me I would spend to watch the princess of Arendelle

One day while playing Elsa accidently hit Anna with her powers, she was devastated and it broke my heart.. I went closer to them to see if I could help but on that moment their parents came so I stayed aside
Luckily Anna survived but at the cost of her memories... The trolls whipped all her memories of magic just to be save, at this point Tooth would say that it was an waste of trust and an pure heart of believing got lost... Maybe I should have asked them to help.... No! They wouldn't understand

From that day on the King and Queen of Arendelle decided to lock Elsa in an room for her own safety
I knew she could use some company so I might have been less careful about if she saw me or not
At first it looked like she didn't notice me which would be understandable if she didn't believe in me but after some time that I came closer she started showing little signs that she knew she wasn't alone

Some days passed and I decided to test if she could see me so I acted like I slipped over an frozen part of her room, as I did I heard an small laugh coming from her side and I looking at her kind of surprised

Some days passed and I decided to test if she could see me so I acted like I slipped over an frozen part of her room, as I did I heard an small laugh coming from her side and I looking at her kind of surprised

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"You... You can see me?" I asked her, I couldn't believe it at first but this would make things so much easier
She just nodded, clearly confused by my question
"I'm sorry, that probably sounded weird" I held my hand with my staff behind my back to stay at least a bit mannered while that's not one of my strong points
I went to sit on my knees to get more on her height
"Not as weird as having an unknown boy in your locked room all of a sudden" she answered and I put my hand ashamed on the back of my neck "Yeah..that wasn't really my smartest action.."
"My name is Elsa, I'm an princess of Arendelle" she says with an soft blush
I held her hand and gave an soft kiss on it "nice to meet you princess. I'm Jack, Jack Frost" I noticed she got uncomfortable with me holding her hand so I quickly let go "Nice to meet you Jack Frost.... Wait THE Jack Frost?" She asks surprised
"The one and only" I tell her as I floated a little to show her
"I can't believe you're really here"
"Why wouldn't I be? Especially with someone doing my work" I laughed but she looked away
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." She looked scared
"Don't worry about it, I can definitely see the fun in it" to try making her more comfortable I put my staff on the ground as following effect the ground around it partly froze
Elsa looked amazed at it and I chuckled "Do you like that princess?"
"We really have the same powers..?" She carefully asked while looking at her hands
I nodded at her "I can possibly---" I started but at that moment I heard an sound at the door, grabbed my staff and went to hide just to be sure
The Queen came in to get Elsa to bed, I looked outside and saw that it became dark, it shouldn't take long before Sandy would start his work
I smiled softly, waited till the Queen was out of the room again and went back to her "You should sleep snowflake, the sandman will give you beautiful dreams in a bit and I'll keep looking over you"
"Will I see you again?" She asked unsure
"Of course princess, this isn't the first time I've visited you and will definitely not be the last" I walked towards her window
She smiled softly "thank you" she says softly before closing her eyes, seconds later I saw the dream sand of Sandy already "Right on time as always Sandy" I said softly just before flying back to the guardians

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