(2) Slutface,Assface

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Two days after their parents blind date. Both Winnie and Charlie didn't mention who they went on a date with. Ashtyn made her way down the halls of St Peters High.

"What's up slutface?" Bucky said as she made her way to her friends.

She rolled her eyes. "Ass face.." she said

"Psh..if I had an assface I wouldn't be getting all the pussy that I do." Bucky said

"You Steve and Sam make people wonder." Ashtyn said

He gasped "We are all not gay! We enjoy the feel of pussy on our cocks." He said

"Well me being queen bee and all. I hear all the gossip and rumors. So Im just letting your ass face know." She said

"Oh yeah..well lets see hear Ms Slutface Queen Bee. I heard that over weekend that you and Franklin hooked up Saturday night." Bucky said

"Oh I did.." she said

"And clearly he sucked at fucking. You are still in a bitchy mood.." Bucky said

"Oh you clearly dont date red heads. We are naturally bitchy doesnt matter how many orgasms I have." She said

"I have had many red heads just not you. I might catch something." He said

"I rather fuck anyone else over your man whore ass. Might catch something from you." She said as she started to walk off as the bell rang.

"Condoms are my best friend sweetheart." Bucky said as he went the opposite direction of her.

Ashtyn just rolled her eyes. During second period the intercom beeped in.

"Attention cheerleaders and football players. We need you all to report to the gym for a meeting with the director at this time."

All the cheerleaders and players gathered their stuff and headed down to the gym. As they all gathered on the bleachers their coaches and the director came in.

"We need the captains up here." Director Fury said

All the captains took their spot by their coaches.

"Next Saturday we will be hosting our annual chili supper and end of the season wrap up. This year we will be honoring these four right here. Your varsity captain Gabe Franklin and cheer captain Jade Tomlin. Your JV captains James Barnes and Ashtyn Salyers. Let your family and friends know. Its going to be a special night." Fury said

"Is it here?" Bucky said

"Yes next Saturday. We will eat at 6 and the program starts at 7. Boys jeans and jerseys. Ladies cheer uniforms and bows." Fury said

That afternoon after basketball practice Bucky called his dad James. He didn't answer so he left a voicemail.

"Hey dad its me. Um next Saturday at 6 is the annual chili supper and end of the season wrap up. Its going to be a big deal cause they are honoring all the captains. So um just call me back to let me know if you can come."

Bucky lit up a cigarette after he hung up. He sent a text to his mom to let her know about the program. Ashtyn was sitting in her hot tub with a beer as she called her mom. And just like James she was working and didn't answer.

"Hey mom..its Ashtyn. I dont know if you will get this. But next Saturday is the end of the season wrap up. They are going to be honoring all the captains which includes me. I would like for you to be there for me it starts at 6."

She sighed after she hung up she lit up a joint and stayed up at the sky. "Wish you were here Alexis..I know you would be there for me." She whispered.

Bucky finally made his way home after picking up some burgers from the diner. He drank some beers with his burgers and played Titanfall with the boys.

The next morning he woke up to his alarm going off. He turned it off and saw a text from his dad.

"Sorry son. Next Saturday is Paisley's birthday and we have plans. See you at Thanksgiving."

Bucky threw his phone across the room. He got himself ready for school. Before he went downstairs he smoked a joint and took a xanax and pain pill.

Winnie was downstairs putting a plate of breakfast on the bar. "Thanks mom." He said without looking at her.

"Welcome baby. See you later Im running late." She said as she kissed his head.

"Yeah.." he said as she left.

Ashtyn was standing in her shower as the hot water ran over her. Charlie came up stairs "baby I made pancakes hurry up."

"Be right there daddy." Ashtyn said as she turned off the water.

She got herself dressed she also popped her xanax diet pill and birth control. Once she got downstairs she ate her food and drank her orange juice.

"I got your text baby. I switched shifts with someone so I can be there. Did you tell your mom?" Charlie said as he and Winnie texted back and forth.

"Yeah..she didnt call or text." She said as she put her plate in the sink.

"Well its her lost baby. Get to school before you are late." He said as he hugged her.

"Yeah..bye dad love you." She said as she grabbed her keys.

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