Scoring & Prizes

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This is the scoring sheet your fighting stories:

Grammar: 20

Hook: 10

Spelling: 20

Entertainment: 20

Main Character: 10

Title: 10

Cover: 10

Your score (out of 100) will not be public. And they will always stay private.

There will be an overall winner that I think did the best. Remember, this is just for fun and not to be totally serious. But I want to honor all those who wrote great stories!

What fun would a contest be without some prizes? There will be a short list before the official  winners are announced. Now, I don't have much to offer but here's what you'll be fighting for:

Short Listers

➳A handy, dandy sticker

➳Your story will be placed on a reading list

➳Bragging rights!

Third Place

➳A lovely sticker

➳Story will be placed on the "Winners Reading List"

➳I will advertise your story on both my profiles

➳Bragging rights!

Second Place

➳An awesome sticker!

➳Story will be placed on the "Winners Reading List

➳I will advertise your story on both profiles

➳You'll receive a cover of your choice!

➳Bragging rights!


➳An amazing sticker!

➳Story will be placed on the "Winners Reading List

➳I will advertise your story on both profiles

➳You'll receive a cover of your choice!

➳I'll read and review your entire story

➳Bragging rights!

And that's the prizes! If you want to see the stickers, here they are!

Participation Sticker

This is for anyone who enters! I'll leave a link to it in an inline comment.

This is for anyone who enters! I'll leave a link to it in an inline comment

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Third Place

I will send the link to these with the correct placing to the winners.

I will send the link to these with the correct placing to the winners

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Second Place

Second Place

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Short List Sticker

I will send a link to this sticker to all who make the short list.

I will send a link to this sticker to all who make the short list

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