The call (pt.8)

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     I woke up in an empty bed. An empty bed and a fucking freezing room damn it, y/n. I sit up with the blanket wrapped around my shivering body. I forgot she had to work today. The house seems extremely quiet and empty. I stand up and quickly walk over to my bag, throwing on one of my green blohsh hoodies. I guess it doesn't help the fact that I'm not wearing any pants either. What can I say, we've grown close. I walk out of the room, yawning and rubbing my face as I make my way to the kitchen. We went shopping the night before just to make sure that I would have some things to eat while she was gone. The only thing that sucked about it, is we never actually know when she gets home.

     Something she doesn't understand, is that they actually like her. I mean really, really like her. They are always preferring her work over others, which is amazing and I'm extremely proud. The only thing that sucks for me is that it means its less time I get to spend with her. I've only been here two days, and it feels like my own. I scan the kitchen counter to find a note written by y/n. "I'll try to be home tonight but no promises. Make yourself at home mama, love y/n" I picked up the note and smiled. Damn it, she's amazing. Of course I never intended on doing these very sexual things with her... this quickly.

     Who am I kidding, she was very attractive. I just wasn't planning on finding her. Whenever I picked a random fan account to talk to, I was expecting it to be some young fan who was going to expose me. It didn't matter to me anymore. Everything I built into this career was going to be gone in a matter of weeks once the fans find out about Que. Once they find out that our love is fake, that I'm actually not straight. I wince at the word. I mean, I cant believe I'm able to even pretend to be. After grabbing a few slices of pineapple, I walk into the living room to watch the office on Netflix. I had a feeling this was going to be a very boring twelve hours without her.

     After about two seasons of watching my show, I actually grow to be quite bored. Don't get me wrong that show is the best of all time its just, something seemed different. Something seemed off. My phone started to buzz, making me jump up in excitement. I thought she was supposed to be on break not for another two hours but maybe its slow today. I pick up my phone to reveal an unknown number. My heart starts to drop, did someone leak my number? I looked at the area code to see that it was from Los Angeles. Maybe it was someone I knew.

     I slowly picked up the phone and hesitated before answering. I stayed quiet and allowed the other side to speak first. "You will have 10 minutes to speak to Brandon-" Holy shit. It was Que. He was calling me from jail. "Billie," he answers the other line with a raspy tone. "Que! What the hell man, why did you do that? Why would you do that for me?" I yell at him. I never got the chance to talk to him before they took him away from me. He chuckles on the other end, "Because I knew how much it meant to you Bil. I would have gotten away with it too but her damn janitor saw me leaving and didn't recognize my face." I burst out laughing, "Really? The janitor? That shit is so wack."

     "Has the news got out to the press yet?" he asks. I sigh, "No not yet. Both of our shit is over once they find out." He stays quiet on the other end of the line. I knew he felt guilty for all of this. He was just trying to help, and I'll forever love him for that. "Don't forget your worth baby. I know you cant love me but I do love you and I just want you to know that whatever happens, whatever the press decides to do with this story, whatever kind of monsters they try to make us seem like, you'll always be my girl. My homie, my best fucking friend. I love you Bil," he says to me. I could hear his voice break a little at the end. How did things get so fucked up so quickly?

     "I love you too-" I was cut off by the monotone voice, "Please insert more money for more available minutes..." I slowly pull the phone away from my face, hanging up. I never even got to ask him if he wanted me to keep in contact. Sometimes with these types of things, its best if you don't but you never know with Que. He doesn't give two shits about the system, especially whenever they know the system is wrong. I sigh and decide to wait until y/n gets home to tell her. Who knows what kind of bullshit she is dealing with right now.

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