Chapter 17

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"So when is he coming exactly?" I mutter through the food in my mouth.
Definitely not very ladylike of me to do so. "He didn't say, but I'm guessing he will arrive in maybe 30 minutes or so."

"Where does he live?" I say feeding a spoonful to Keith. "Quite far form here, but he is probably coming from work."

"Oh." I get up to wash my dirty plate. As I am washing, Charlie snakes his arms around my waist and presses his body against mine. He rests his head on my shoulder and snuggles into my neck, taking in the scent of my perfume. "Get off me, your parents are here and so is your very underaged brother." I say while pushing his arms away lightly with my very wet and soapy hands. He fights with my hands and hugs me tighter.

What's with him today? He usually isn't always this cuddly." I thought to myself.

"Please, just for a few moments."

"Okay." I give him my approval and he starts to give me feathery kisses on my neck, making me all ticklish. I stop washing my plate and place it the sink to soak in water for a moment. He slowly moves his kisses going upwards from my neck then to my jawline, he kisses me on the cheeks and then nibbles on my ear. He starts to move his arms up from my waist going near my breasts.

"This is going too far Charlie. Remember that your parents and brother are right here." I whisper ever so softly. He stops his kisses and removes his arms from my warm body. "Thanks for reminding me."

"Into the moment a little too much?" I chuckle at him."

"Definitely. I'll be walking you home later, am I right?" He says placing his hands in his back pockets. "Yeah, why?"

"We have to talk."

'We have to talk?' What does he mean? Aren't we talking now? "Can't we talk about it now?" I say taking slow steps to him. "No. I don't want to ruin the mood." He says sternly.

"Hi! How are you?" Mrs. Hemmings squeals from the living hall. "I'm fine. Where is he?" a new voice says. "He's in the kitchen, you have also brought a lady! What's your name?"

His cousin walks in to the kitchen and quickly gives him a bro hug. He then goes to greet his baby cousin whom he's never met before. "Keith was it?"

Keith shyly looks down at his bowl of food and starts to feed himself, ignoring his cousin. "Uh..okay." He turns to me and walks over, expecting a hand shake. "Hi, I'm Henry Stanford. Nice to meet you."

I awkwardly shake his hand. I'm not good with new people, I'm an introvert like that. "I'm Delilah Chase."

"Sounds like a flower!" he pulls me in for a hug but Charlie's hand blocks it.
"The bro code Henry." he says while glaring at him. "Okay sorry. Anyways, meet Madelyn Foster." He says placing his arm on her shoulder, making her shrug and nudging his arm away. "Don't do that, she's uncomfortable." I blurt. My cheeks fire up with embarrassment and I rush out of the kitchen. Charlie comes out after me and grabs his wallet, keys and leads me out of the house.

"What did you want to talk about?" I mutter. He stops in his tracks and spots a bench along the sidewalk. He gestures for us to have a seat there. He brings me closer and hugs me tightly before talking. "I'm graduating this year, and for's not in the country." Tears start to trickle down my cheeks, my nose becoming congested with snot. He hugs me tightly in his arms but I push him away, my tears flowing out.

"Let me go!"

He gives me a squeeze bad finally lets go. "Okay."

I widen my eyes in shock at what he said.

A/N - I know really really short chapter! Sorry, but cliffhangers are always the best!

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