Jimin follows Jungkook outside. "What the hell is your problem? I know you hate games like that, but you agreed to play it. You shouldn't have said yes if you didn't want stuff like that to happen!"
"You kissed 5 people. 5! Of course I'm upset! You kissed two people who've openly liked you in the past."
"Yangyang is the only person and he just flirted with me."
"Soobin liked you too!"
"No, he bullied me. There's kind of a huge difference."
"He told me he used to like you. He was mean because he was jealous. Why the fuck do you think Hwanwoong looks so much like you?"
Jimin crosses his arms. "And you didn't think to tell me this?"
"I guess I forgot to."
"I should be the one who's mad at you. The game rules say to kiss for 5 seconds and you kissed Hwanwoong for 8."
"You kissed 3 alphas by the time my spin landed on him. I was kind of pissed off."
"You got to kiss Chungha and she's so much prettier than me but you didn't see me complaining."
"Because you don't have jealousy woven into your DNA! I do!"
"You should trust me–"
"I do. This has nothing to do with my trust for you. It has to do with the fact that Soobin purposefully spun the bottle to land on you."
"Because you made out with his omega!"
"It's part of the game!"
"You both broke the rules. Just deal with it."
Jungkook sighs. "I don't want to fight with you about this, so fine, I admit that I was in the wrong... I just hate seeing you kissing someone else so soon after our break up. It's a touchy subject..."
Jimin walks up to him and gives him a kiss. "Thank you for apologizing. I'm not mad at you for being protective, I'm disappointed with how you dealt with your anger."
"I understand... Also, fuck Yangyang for saying you're a good kisser. That was so unnecessary. Everyone wanted to get you after that."
Jimin giggles. "So I'm good at school and I'm good at kissing?"
"And you're good in bed. You're a triple threat."
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