Fate of Yggdrasil Chapter 1

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Part 1

It was impossible to stay asleep with the incessant buzzing, clearly from my phone, persisting. Coupled with the growing intensity of the sun's rays, I relented, giving up on sleep and answering the call with a lethargic greeting.

The screen read out: Mom

"H-Hello..." Clearing my throat, I reiterated. "Hello?"

"Fate! Don't tell me you're still in bed right now?! I thought you had a test today!" Being reminded of my upcoming exam made me give an exasperated grunt.

"It's fine, Mom. Class doesn't start until ten."

"It's nine thirty!"

"...What!?" Like having an ice cube dropped down your shirt, that woke me up immediately! I rose from my bed, nearly smacking my dome on the ceiling and rushed for the bathroom! "Dammit! Thanks for the wakeup call, Mom. Bye!" Tossing my phone and clothes aside I jumped in the shower! To go along with my metaphor, freezing cold water spilled from the showerhead onto my skin. It felt like I'd jumped into the Arctic Ocean by mistake, but I just endured and washed myself. (Crap! I'll have to call the landlord about the water heater...again.) There wasn't much time left, but I didn't want to look like a total slob. I got out of the shower to check myself out in the mirror and brush my teeth. (Same dark brown eyes, and black hair needing to be cut...yup! Still the same guy I was when I went to sleep. Thanks, mirror, you haven't lied to me yet.) With the rest done, all that was left were my clothes. I grabbed my brown shirt and black pants while slipping on my sneakers, then dashed out of the small two-bedroom apartment we called home!

(Wait...did I forget anything? Shit!) My phone, wallet, book-bag and keys all sat on the front table neatly arranged so I wouldn't forget them on the way out! Being in such a rush, I'd forgotten almost everything, despite preparing them the night before. (Figures, the first time in my life I stay up studying for a test, I forget everything and could be tardy. I'm a little nervous, but I should be fine. Running through the park should cut down on my trip, it's almost a straight shot to the campus.) The sack bouncing up and down on my back felt like a monkey latched onto me, but if I didn't rush, I'd have been late for my midterms.

Part 2

My college wasn't a big one, in fact it was rather small, so much so that the campus fit smackdab in the middle of the city. Named after some rich old guy who donated enough money to get his name put on a bunch of buildings, Benson College was well-to-do, plenty of clubs and viewed as a jewel of Greenville. The security guards didn't stop me as I burst in through the front doors and dashed up the stairs straight past them.

"Better Hurry, Fate!" We were on good terms, the guards and myself, but I had to ignore their teasing.

Running up four flights was the better option, since the elevator in the lobby was crowded with five or so other students by the door; that I'd spotted on my way in. Out of breath, but with the classroom in sight I picked up speed. My hand reached for the door just as the professor was attempting to slam it shut!

"Fate Isley...just in time...barely." My old, crotchety professor said as he continued to push on the door with one hand. It was obvious that he was still trying to force me out, though with my foot wedged between the frame, I continued to inch in.

"Yeah...I made it, Mr. Russell." Calling him mister instead of professor was an intended slight.

He finally released his grip on the door as I stumbled in.

"Sit down, or I'll have you removed."

"Okay...relax..." The workbenches of students already seated and talking amongst themselves ran up four rows back, on both sides of the large room. The others were already prepared, grouped up with friends or in their usual seats; someone was in mine, leaving me adrift as I awkwardly ambled by where I'd normally be.

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