Chapter Nine

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Liam's P.O.V.

"You won't get much closer, until you sacrifice it all. You won't get to taste it , with your face against the wall." Zailey  sang. 

I have no idea why she chose this song, but hey she was good at singing it.

"Get up and commit, show the power trapped within. Do just what you want to, now stand up and commit. Ooh, 1, 2, 3, 4 fire's in your eyes. And this chaos, it defies imagination. Ooh, 5, 6, 7, 8 minus 9 lives. You've arrived at panic station." She continued. 

I glanced over at Zayn and Niall, doing some weird handshake that involves Niall getting punched in the nuts... Poor Niall. Letting Zayn take advantage of him.. Maybe he'll learn someday... Hopefully.

"Stand up and deliver, your wildest fantasy. Do what the fuck you want to, there's no one to appease." 

I don't know if we're allowed to sing the f-word, but hey, Zailey just did, so I think it must be okay.

Zailey continued by singing A Message by Coldplay and So What by P!nk. Let me just say, out of the whole entire school, I think Zailey has the best voice.. Out of the girls at least. And I've heard that she's an excellent actor... But I haven't got proof of that yet.

Zailey's P.O.V.

Phew. Done singing, yes. Done being awesome for the day, no.

I watched as Liam went out onto the stage to go sing his song. I forgot what he was singing, but either way I knew it would sound great.

Oh god. He's singing I'm Sexy And I Know It. And he's trying to dance. This might not turn out good, so I think I'm gonna cover my eyes. So I did, and I missed the whole thing. Gladly.


When I finally got home and took off my heels, I noticed that I had some blisters on my heel on toes. Stupid freakin heels. No wonder I only wear them to these kinds of things.

"Hey Taylor! Where'd you go?" I yelled into my seeminly empty house.

"In here!" A voice called from the kitchen.

I walked in there, and there she was sitting, drinking a glass of my orange juice.

"How was the dance for you Zailey A?" She asked while twirling her hair through her blond locks.

"Totally awesome. I'm actually glad I went. And how was Harry? I totally saw you guys flirting. You guys gonna get together one day?" I slurred. I hadn't realized it, but I had been talking kinda fast all night. Hmmm...Unique?

"No. It was just harmless flirting. But he's a good guy and he's fun to talk to. In fact, he asked me to coffee this weekend."

"That's cause he wants ya sister. Now go get em' tiger!"

"Wait? What?" Tay Tay asked.

"I don't even know anymore. You wanna go read some magazines and eat some chocolate or something?"

"Sure," She said while smiling.  "That sounds great."

Normally what we do is just sit down and read magazines. This time, I added in chocolate for a bonus.

"Hey Tay Tay?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She said turning around.

"Don't get pregnant with Harry's child, okay?"

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