Chapter 6; Tuesday Already And Unexpected Guests

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Narrator's P.O.V;

Roman and Remus waited at the front door for Deceit. They had all agreed to go get their things at Two O' Clock and Deceit was fifteen minutes late. Remus looked at Roman with a grin and Roman looked at him with a nervous look.

"DOUBLE D GET DOWN HERE!" Remus yelled as Roman shook his head. Then Deceit ran downstairs and grabbed the collar of Remus's shirt.

"THE HELL DID YOU JUSSST CALL ME YOU SSSON OF A BITCH?!" Deceit yelled. Deceit kicked Remus in the dick and Roman burst out in laughter. After everyone calmed down, Roman looked at Deceit.

"Deceit, I'm assuming that you don't have a car, would you like to drive with Remus and I?" Roman asked. Deceit nodded. They all walked to Roman and Remus's car. Then Roman pushed Remus into the back seats then sat the in the driver's seat. Deceit then sat at the passenger's seat. Roman and Deceit buckled their seatbelts while Remus sat in the back pouting like a child.

"Why do I have to be in the backseat? You and I own this car Roman! So Deceit should be in the back!" Remus yelled. Roman glared at Remus from the rear-view mirror.

"Because you mess with the damn radio everytime we have to go somewhere together!" Roman yelled back at him. Deceit lightly chuckled at this and Remus finally buckled his seatbelt. Remus then continued to pout. Then Roman took a quick glance at Deceit before looking at the mirror backing up.

"Deceit, if you wanna choose what CD you wanna listen too, go ahead." Roman said pointing at the row of CDs. Deceit nodded and began to look through the rows. He could tell which CD belonged to who based on their personalities. Then one caught his eyes; 'Slipknot; We Are Not Your Kind'. He then grabbed the CD and held it up for both twins to see.

"What about this one?" Deceit asked. Both twins looked at the CD for a second and had completely different reactions. Roman groaned and Remus cheered. Then Roman pointed at the CD.

"Since you're the guest, you can play whatever CD you want. Just don't get mad when Remus almost breaks the seat." Roman says. Deceit raised an eyebrow but took the previous CD out anyway. He put the Slipknot CD in then put the other one back not bothering to look at what the CD was. Then the first song 'Insert Coin' came on and Deceit finally understood what Roman meant when Remus began to head bang so hard to the point where he noticed the backseats shaking.

After an hour of driving, the three got to Roman and Remus's apartment. Then Roman and Remus noticed a Lamborghini in the driveway. Roman scoffed and Remus laughed nervously.

"Let's go. We need to make it quick then we can go." Roman said getting out of the car. Remus and Deceit followed. They got inside and saw an old man wearing a suit and had his hair slick back.

"Roman, Remus. I never expected you to have such a bad place for living. I thought I taught you better." The man said with a smirk.

"Father, we would respect it if you left. We're moving anyway and you need to leave." Roman said. Roman and Remus's supposed Father raised an eyebrow with a smirk still.

"And what if I didn't?" He asked. Roman looked at Remus and Remus nodded at him. Roman and Remus grabbed each other's hands. Roman put one of his hands on Remus's waist and Remus put a hand on Roman's shoulder. Then they quickly began to slow dance. Then they spun each other then Roman dipped Remus and then a flash of light filled the room.

Then the flash faded and there was a new entity in the room. He had messy hair with one blonde streak and one white streak, had a small curled moustache, wore a grey shirt, a rainbow scarf, black leggings, and knee high heeled boots. Then the new entity looked at his father. He had one red eye and one green eye.

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