S P O O N I N G' S G R E A T

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MY FIRST HOLIDAY back after I had been sorted into Slytherin was a tense one. My twin brother and I, who had been inseparable before going to Hogwarts, wouldn't even say a word to me. While everyone else was civil, the shift from their darling oldest daughter to the black sheep of the family was evident. I had spent most of the summer in my tree house that Fred, George and I had built years ago. At such a young age I was left ostracised, and I never quite knew how to cope with it, so my resentment only grew.

These days things had gotten better. Fred and I got on well, and the rest of my family treated me as normally as one would expect for a Slytherin. Ron was the only one I disliked, every time I looked at him, I couldn't believe he was my twin brother, he was essentially a stranger.

Emma, Blaise, and even though I hated to admit it, Draco, were my family. They had been who I experienced life with, everything important to me belonged in only our minds.

Here in the dark infirmary sat Draco and I beside Emma's bed. We had been told we weren't allowed to be here at this time, but we waited outside till Madam Pomfrey had left, then snuck back in. Emma still hadn't awoken, but we had been told there was nothing to worry about.

Draco's chair was only inches to the side of mine, and I think we both could sense the awkwardness of the situation. I watched as he tapped his fingers on his knee, there was not much else to do. We had agreed to stay till she woke up. Olivia had disappeared by the time I had brought Draco down, hopefully she wouldn't rat us out, she should be careful though, Draco was furious.

"I'm surprised Madam Pomfrey didn't ask us what had happened," I surprised myself by the loud volume of my voice in the room that had been dead silent for what seemed like hours. Draco jumped, clearly also startled, making me cringe.

"She's been doing this for years, she's probably sick of asking." His voice was calm, with no hint of malice. It was always odd having normal conversations with him.

"How was the boat, did you hook up with anyone," he said as he looked to the floor, tucking loose hair behind his ear. Maybe I should say yes, piss him off a bit, but for now I didn't want to fight, I just wanted to talk to him without wanting to throw him into the mouth of a dragon.

"No, we didn't stay too long after Emma and Olivia couldn't stop exchanging passive aggressive remarks." I couldn't look at him when I was being friendly, it was too embarrassing. I figured the lack of sleep was making me delirious.

"Well was it still fun?" I chuckled at the absurdity of his question, "Of course it wasn't fun, it was awful," I responded.

"You shouldn't have gone in the first place," he said authoritatively, his eyebrows furrowed together disapprovingly, "you don't even know any of those guys." I grinned to myself at that, he always acted like he never cared about Emma and me, but it was clear parts of him did.

"You two need to stop being so desperate, if you did, things like this would stop happening." I knew it was too good to be true, he turned right back into normal Draco within seconds. I shot him a harsh glare, he smirked back, clearly content with my reaction.

"God, one day I'm going to turn you into a pinata Malfoy. I didn't go there to hook up with anyone." Why did he have to spoil it so quickly?

"Then why did you go?" His smirk slowly got more obnoxious.

"Cause my brother and his friends are horrible and I wanted to take my mind off of them," I retorted, immediately regretting sharing that with him. He stopped smirking, instead softening his gaze and repositioning in his seat to face away from me.


The blonde-haired boy was quiet for some time, he seemed to be working out what it was he was going to say. "Well we've known that for years," he settled on. A ghost of smile traced my lips as I stared at my sleeping friend, a scar starting to develop on her head. "Family sucks," he said after I didn't reply.

"Not as much as Olivia," I tried to change the subject, not wanting to overcomplicate mine and Draco's relationship by attempting to communicate with one another.

"She sucks too much in more way than one," I couldn't help but grin at his snarky comment, and out of the corner of my eye I could see a cheesy smile plastered across his face too.

"We need to take some serious revenge, and it needs to be better than the missing cat thing," Draco announced, turning around in his seat again to face me. It felt strange, it felt like we were friends. It was as if all these years of mutual hate was erased for just this moment, just this night.

"Draco, we're terrible at revenge, when has it ever worked out?" I laughed to myself while thinking of our terrible efforts in the art of payback. Draco rolled his eyes playfully, he knew it too, but would have hated to acknowledge it.

"We'll come up with something, Olivia has to face the consequences of what she did," he glared angrily towards Emma, a fire in his eyes. Draco didn't have many friends and Emma had always been there for Draco. She was really the only person in the world he could stand for prolonged amounts of time, and Draco cared about her. I guess I had always been jealous of that.

Again, the room was consumed in silence. I scanned my brain for something to talk about, it occurred to me that Draco and I had never had a conversation this long without fighting, and I didn't really know how to handle the situation I was in.

"How's the prostitution going?" Apparently, he had taken the quiet as an opportunity to piss me off again. Was flirting with a guy in order for him to my homework make me a prostitute? I didn't think so. However, maybe the making out with Randy Stone for test answers was a bit prostitute like.

Before I could hurl some abuse back at him, he spoke again, "I'm not insulting you, I'm merely describing you." He beamed at himself, seemingly proud of his remark.

Don't fight back Lola, that's what he wants.

"You're pathetic Malfoy," good one Lola, you're really strong minded, "you don't have to be here, this would be a lot nicer if you'd just fuck off, as would my whole life!" His jaw clenched, his eyes darkened, and he quickly stood up.

"Weasley," he called for my attention, "If you are offended by the things I actually do say, then I'd like you just to imagine all the things I hold back, I think then you'd have every right to hate me." A smile lingered on his lips, but the emotion didn't quite reach his eyes.

Then he left.


I woke to an aching body from a night spent sleeping in a chair. I turned to check on my friend, to see not just her in the bed, but Blaise too, spooning.

"Blaise?" I tried to wake him up. His eyes fluttered open, I felt guilty for disturbing him, but the spooning was disturbing me, so I didn't feel too bad.

"Hey Lo," Blaise looked apologetic, "Sorry I wasn't there last night."

"It's fine B, Draco helped." I cringed as memories flooded back from the evening before. I was dreading having to see him again. "You were having sex anyway, so it's excused."

"Well she was terrible; it was definitely not worth it." He said, pulling a disgusted face, our giggles filled the room.

"She woke up," Blaise informed, filling me with relief, "she's fine, angry at Olivia though." Almost as if she knew we were talking about her, Emma's eyes flew open.

"Morning," she greeted us, moving herself to sit up as a smiled warmly at her.

"Spooning's great and everything until someone pops a boner," Blaise laughed to himself, looking down at his trousers. Emma and I exchanged glances of humoured shock, before we all couldn't help but laugh. Blaise hid his face under the blanket in embarrassment, causing us to only laugh more.

"Why did you let this pervert in my bed," Emma asked me jokingly.

"I'm not a pervert!" He yelled from under his blanket, "It's an uncontrolled reaction, she kept shoving her bum by my pee-pee!"

"I'm kind of jealous, that's more action than I've got in months," I sulked. Emma threw her pillow at me, Blaise coming out his fort to laugh at me too.

"Well with all our pre-marital sex, at least you'll be going to heaven," Emma smirked at me.

"Emma, hate to break it to you, but you're going to hell in every religion," Blaise made fun of our friend's naughty ways. He wasn't wrong.

"Let's get to breakfast you losers." Emma interrupted our laughter, bringing us back into the real world.

"Shit. I never finished my reading for the study group." Hermione, Ginger spice and Horrid Henry are going to kill me.


a.n. I'm thouroughly impressed with myself getting this chapter up so quickly. I wrote this while watching the first and second Twilight movie for the first time in years. While the first Twilight movie is like top tier, this one seems to have a serious drop in quality. But short haired Jacob is a beautiful sight, so I'm not complaining. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, it's admittedly pretty shit but I wanted to get this up as soon as I could. Hopefully some more  chapters will be up within a week or two.

Question. Which characters in Harry Potter would you like to share a flat with and why?

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