S P O O N I N G' S G R E A T

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MY FIRST HOLIDAY back after I had been sorted into Slytherin was a tense one. My twin brother and I, who had been inseparable before going to Hogwarts, wouldn't even say a word to me. While everyone else was civil, the shift from their darling oldest daughter to the black sheep of the family was evident. I had spent most of the summer in my tree house that Fred, George and I had built years ago. At such a young age I was left ostracised, and I never quite knew how to cope with it, so my resentment only grew.

These days things had gotten better. Fred and I got on well, and the rest of my family treated me as normally as one would expect for a Slytherin. Ron was the only one I disliked, every time I looked at him, I couldn't believe he was my twin brother, he was essentially a stranger.

Emma, Blaise, and even though I hated to admit it, Draco, were my family. They had been who I experienced life with, everything important to me belonged in only our minds.

Here in the dark infirmary sat Draco and I beside Emma's bed. We had been told we weren't allowed to be here at this time, but we waited outside till Madam Pomfrey had left, then snuck back in. Emma still hadn't awoken, but we had been told there was nothing to worry about.

Draco's chair was only inches to the side of mine, and I think we both could sense the awkwardness of the situation. I watched as he tapped his fingers on his knee, there was not much else to do. We had agreed to stay till she woke up. Olivia had disappeared by the time I had brought Draco down, hopefully she wouldn't rat us out, she should be careful though, Draco was furious.

"I'm surprised Madam Pomfrey didn't ask us what had happened," I surprised myself by the loud volume of my voice in the room that had been dead silent for what seemed like hours. Draco jumped, clearly also startled, making me cringe.

"She's been doing this for years, she's probably sick of asking." His voice was calm, with no hint of malice. It was always odd having normal conversations with him.

"How was the boat, did you hook up with anyone," he said as he looked to the floor, tucking loose hair behind his ear. Maybe I should say yes, piss him off a bit, but for now I didn't want to fight, I just wanted to talk to him without wanting to throw him into the mouth of a dragon.

"No, we didn't stay too long after Emma and Olivia couldn't stop exchanging passive aggressive remarks." I couldn't look at him when I was being friendly, it was too embarrassing. I figured the lack of sleep was making me delirious.

"Well was it still fun?" I chuckled at the absurdity of his question, "Of course it wasn't fun, it was awful," I responded.

"You shouldn't have gone in the first place," he said authoritatively, his eyebrows furrowed together disapprovingly, "you don't even know any of those guys." I grinned to myself at that, he always acted like he never cared about Emma and me, but it was clear parts of him did.

"You two need to stop being so desperate, if you did, things like this would stop happening." I knew it was too good to be true, he turned right back into normal Draco within seconds. I shot him a harsh glare, he smirked back, clearly content with my reaction.

"God, one day I'm going to turn you into a pinata Malfoy. I didn't go there to hook up with anyone." Why did he have to spoil it so quickly?

"Then why did you go?" His smirk slowly got more obnoxious.

"Cause my brother and his friends are horrible and I wanted to take my mind off of them," I retorted, immediately regretting sharing that with him. He stopped smirking, instead softening his gaze and repositioning in his seat to face away from me.

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