Jonathan: I most certainly agree with that, being a new year with my family makes me so happy to see all of you grow up
Jotaro: eh, not for me......
Josuke: Sorry we're late man......
Joseph: Yeah we totally forgot that we were supposed to meet here today
Jolyne: Wait, we were?
Johnny: Yeah Jolyne, remember Giorno told us that there was a meeting for us
Jolyne: I totally don't remember this but I wouldn't care either way because he knows that we don't like getting together like this
Giorno: Jolyne, I think this is something you might enjoy this time around...
Jolyne: How so?
Giorno: Today we are gonna be discussing who is the Hottest Jojo
Jotaro: Yare Yare Daze, I knew this would happen sooner or later and the fact that it's based on this general topic makes me even more disappointed.....
Jonathan: Oh cheer up grandson, like Giorno said, this may be something that you might enjoy.
Jotaro: Yeah, it may be something that will be enjoyably humiliating for me, myself, and star platinum.
Giorno: Ok then let's get on with the debate, but I do have a little surprise for you all
Jotaro: I swear if it's that David Bowie impersonator who kills women for their hands......I am going to flip. The fuck. Out.
Giorno: Relax Jotaro, it's not him ok? Actually it's just gonna be a simple posing contest.
Josuke: Wait that's it? I thought it was gonna be a bit more than that man
Joseph: Yeah, this really caught me off guard
Jonathan: I think it's a splendid idea
Jolyne: Yeah, easy for you to say since you are rated the most hottest in the Jojo community.
Jonathan: That's not true Jolyne...
Johnny: It is kinda true...
Giorno: Well, we will settle the debate later, first up is Jonathan
Jonathan: Ok then......
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Giorno: Wonderful, wonderful indeed
Jotaro: Oh he took a selfies shot big deal......
Giorno: What? Are you jealous that he looks better than you Jotaro?
Jotaro: Why would I be jealous when dealing with Highschool fangirls who won't shut their trap about me is already enough for me to bear with..
Josuke: What's so bad about that man?
Josuke: i. Hate. Girls. Who. Squeal. Over. Guys., You should at least know that by now
Giorno: Guys guys, were going off track here, let's get back to the contest. Next up is Josuke...
Josuke: Oh? Already? I thought we were going in order from parts we appeared in
Giorno: I could but.....I mean-
Jolyne: Nah, let's just get this over with so I go bug Anasui
Giorno: Ok fine...... josuke, you ready?
Josuke: As ready as I'll ever be man, let's do this
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Josuke: Looking Good Man!
Jolyne: ok ok I've had enough of this it's my turn!
Giorno: Oh? What changed your Mind Jolyne?
Jolyne: Well, not that I don't wanna be apart of this, but I think this might he a good chance to get a snap shot of me while this is going so I can save it for later
Jotaro: What? Youre gonna sell your pictures to guys on the internet?
Jolyne: No!! Anything else but that, I already have Anasui to gossip about me already, I don't need another guy looking at me like he's gonna do something to me
Jotaro: Well, in any case.........any dude that does come your way will have to refer to me and Star Platinum first
Jolyne: Jotaro, you do realize that I can handle my own battles right?
Jotaro: Yeah but it's more fun when I do it.....
Giorno: ok Jolyne you ready?
Jolyne: ok I'm ready
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Jotaro: Out of anything else you could've done, why would you use my pose and my jacket
Jolyne: Cuz I look better and more sexy than you old man!
(To be continued.......who do you think is the Hottest Jojo so far? Comment and talk to the Jojos)