Chapter 10

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Frank and I sat at a little table. It was in a restaurant that was on the water. The table was on a deck, looking over the calm waters. It was romantic as the sun began to set. There were lights strung up and candles all over. Music played softly over the speakers as people talked in hushed voices. A little bouquet of roses were in the middle of the table, adding to the romantic aura.

Frank was wearing a cute little button up shirt with a dark blue sweater over it. His hair was starting to grow out even more now. I was wearing a button up and his varsity jacket over it. My hair was freshly washed, even.

"This is a really nice place," I said. "Where'd you find it?"

"This is the place where my parents fell in love," he said. "I always thought it was really romantic here and would love to take someone of my own."

"Frank, this place looks a little expensive," I said.

"Don't worry, I'm paying for it, baby," he said.

I smiled at the little pet name, reaching over to hold his hand.

"Would you two like dessert?" The waitress asked as she came over to pick up our empty plates.

Frank looked at me before shaking his head.

"That's okay, can we just get the bill?" He asked.

The waitress nodded and left.

"Thought some dessert might have been a nice romantic way to end the night," I said.

"Well, our ferry doesn't come for another half hour so I thought it would be nice to go to that one little ice cream shack and sit on the pier together while we ate," he said. "Unless you want dessert here, we can still order some."

"No, I think eating ice cream on the pier would be really romantic," I said.

Frank paid for our food and he took my hand. We left the restaurant and walked back down to the pier. It was mostly empty, thankfully. We got ice cream cones and sat on a bench.

"This was actually really nice," he said. "I think I was more nervous than I really should have been. I don't know why I was so nervous, you have been nothing but sweet. Albeit you can be kind of crazy at times. I'm glad to finally find out the reason of why you've been so weird lately."

I smiled, eating my ice cream. We finished up just as the ferry got here. We sat at the top near the back. I sat close to him, resting my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around my waist. There was a soft breeze and I started falling asleep for a moment.

"So, tell me what's been going on with you," he said.

I picked my head up, looking into his green eyes.

"I don't think you're going to believe me, Frank," I said.

"Try me," he said.

"I am from an alternate reality," I said. "In that world we're both punk and we have a band with Mikey and Ray and we have been dating since middle school. Your parents are divorced and you're not rich but they're so supportive of you. They love you for your little punk, gay self. And we were fighting and...I got hit by a car, or was about to get hit by a car. It's all still a little bit fuzzy. I might be dead. Anyways, I was somehow teleported to this world where you and Mikey are mean jocks and I wore sweaters and Ray is a dad. I just need to get things back to normal so I can travel through the multiverse again to go back to my own home."

Frank sighed, pulling away.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just thought we could have a nice date without you being drunk," he said. "Just one night."

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