The Cheese in the Trap

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Kongpob called out to see if Arthit had returned from the supermarket. When he didn't hear anything, he took out his phone to place a call.


"Hyung. How are you?"

"Good. What about you? I heard someone tried to take you out."

"They did, but you know I'm too stubborn to die."

There was laughter from the other end of the phone. 

"So true. No one has been able to take me out so far. Clearly, God is not done with me yet.  I have a broken arm and some bruises.  No big deal." It was Kongpob's turn to laugh this time. "I think you know why I'm calling."

"I have an idea. Why don't you make it clear?"

"I need some back up. I'm dealing with people willing to kill to keep their secrets and I can't wrangle them alone. This is more than just some run-of-the-mill embezzlement. These guys have taken it to a whole other level."

"Um. When you do you need me?"

"When can you come?"

"Let me finish up here. I'll call you when I get to Chiang Mai."

"How do you know I'm in Chiang Mai?"

"Are you seriously asking me that question? See you when I get there."

The call was cut. Kongpob could do nothing but stare at the blackened phone screen and shake his head amusedly. He should've known his hyung would know where he is at all times. They weren't blood brothers, but they'd been through enough to bond them for life. Now that he would be helping with the investigation, things would certainly get interesting. Kongpob was broken from his reverie when he heard the front door open. He made his way to the living room to greet his roommate.

"You're home."

"Yep. I wasn't sure what to make for dinner, so it took me longer than usual to make my way through the supermarket. I spent more time browsing than shopping."

"So, what did you decide to make?"

"Can you believe that after all the time I spent trying to decide, I bought ingredients for Pad Thai?" Arthit laughed at himself and carried the groceries to the kitchen.

Kongpob sat at the kitchen bar top watching Arthit. His heart was warmed watching Arthit. This was not the first time his heart twitched a little when Arthit was around. He could feel himself falling for the milky-skinned man, but he had been fighting it. He couldn't let himself fall for a suspect. Granted, he didn't think Arthit had anything to do with what was going on, but he couldn't risk compromising the investigation. It was too important. His mind wandered back to their first night together after Kongpob had be released from the hospital.

Flashback begins...

The pain was unbearable. Every breath and every step were pure torture. He had been in the hospital for a while and he still couldn't believe Arthit and Apinya had stepped forward to help him. His parents were unable to return right away and even if they did, he wouldn't be able to do his job with them around, so it was better they weren't here. At this point no one was above suspicion so Kongpob planned to use this time to see just who Arthit was and if he was a threat. He couldn't think of a better way to get to know someone than by living with them. Unfortunately, the circumstances were horrible. Kongpob wasn't sure he could concentrate on his investigation in his condition.

He couldn't see out of one of his eyes and he only had one good arm. According the doctor he would be like this for at least 6-8 weeks. Even walking was a problem. His attackers had rained punches and kicks all over his body doing significant damage. He needed time to convalesce, but he also needed to advance his investigation.

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