For the rest of the lunch period I hung out with David, and his boys. David introduced me to some girl he knew. He wanted me to have someone to talk to so I wouldn't be all alone. So he talked, and hung out with his boys. I talked, and hung out with the girl he introduced me to. She was really nice, we seemed to get along, really well to. She said her name was Lola. We both introduced are self to each other, and just told each other different stuff about each other. She was really cool she reminded me of my old best friend. All of us together me, Lola, David , and his boys were all a group.I had a new squad, and I liked it. We all got along really well when we were all together. We be having a good time together to it be really fun, and funny. Then the bell ring to go to fifth period. I said goodbye to Lola , and David's boys, then David walked me to my fifth period. I don't know how, but it seemed like every class I had he was either in my class or like two classroom doors away. It was a good thing though I loved hanging out with David. He walked me to my fifth period, and asked me to wait for him after the period was over. I gave him a hug, and then we both went to class. My fifth period was pretty small, but everyone was really friendly. I made some friends in that class everyone pretty much knew each other in that class. All I did in fifth was write notes half the period, then relax the other. We were suppose to study are notes the other half of they period, but nobody did. Soon the bell ring, and I waited for David outside my class. We both walked to sixth period together which we also has together. I was hoping I would be sitting next to him again. When we arrived at are class the teacher Mrs. Martin introduced me to the class. Then she told me I could sit anywhere I pleased. I was so excited when she said that. I was just hoping there was a open seat next to David. I looked over to see where he had sat down, and saw their were a empty desk right in front of him. I quickly fast walked over to the empty desk, then when I was just about to sit down some girl pushed me out of the way, and sat down in the empty desk. I then reliezed it was it was David's ex Becky.

Don't worry about me
Teen FictionHi guys I'm Jalysia the author of "Don't worry about me" I'm so excited for you guys to read my book I hope you guys enjoy reading it. I've been working hard, and spending a lot of time on this book. This book tells the life of a girl named Darcy. D...