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"I have loved you on days when I haven't loved myself. (And I think that's precisely where the problem begins.)" - WordsofWorth

"WHERE are we?" He watches as both of them stands in front of a house.

"My and used to be her place." She looks at him and invites him inside. He looks around the house ans they enter.

"Help yourself. I'll prepare us something to drink." Her aunt says but he barely paid attention to it. In fact, he barely paid attention to every detail of the room but his feet lead him outside to their back yard. He doesn't know why but he's being invited there.

He looks around the green environment, a bamboo sala set which the table holds six books under a big umbrella and a lot of fresh daisies. He looks at the side and got a glimpse of a telescope and what looks like a yoga mat.

"This is her spot." Her aunt comes out and stands beside him. She hands him a cup of black coffee, figuring she'll be a bit racist if she offered tea.

He smiles weakly. "Figures."

"She lays the yoga mat at the middle and gazes at the stars and the moon at night." She states as she point at the middle of the green grass. "Me and my husband thought it was unhealthy for her to be here every night but it became her therapy which is why we're just letting her ever since."

"Ya didn't let 'er go to therapy?"

"She doesn't want to even after we've convinced her so many times. Besides, her parents wouldn't like it." She takes a sip before continuing. "I know my sister. She's a conservative Filipina. Both her and her new husband are not very welcoming at certain important issues like mental health being important."

"And her biological father?" He asks that made her freeze. "She never mentioned the whole story t'me."

"There's not much to tell..." She trails.

"But there still somethin'." He points out.

She sighs before talking again. "My sister met his first husband through the text messaging. They had a blind date and had sex. He had poke a hole in the condom he used and got her pregnant. Our parents found out and threatened him to marry her. Not to brag but our family's old money rich so they're strict at traditions."

He made her pause so that they can have a seat. "Then they had Vee. I had no idea how she grew up such a strong woman with a presence of him. He drunk and abused them so lawsuits were filed. Divorce happened and then he got married. But he used my sister's money. She was okay with it at first because she was blinded by love but he used up the money she needs to raise Vee."

He nods, intently listening to her. "Everything got so out of hand this summer so Vee was sent here. With me. She keeps on saying she has to work because she can't stay here without helping us. She said she feels like a burden so she looked up for a job. I used my connections and luckily, I found her to work for you."

She stops to look at him and he smiles at her. "I should thank ya then."

"I should thank you. I never saw Vee that happy." She pinpoints, making him smile warmly. "She never glowed that beautifully before."

He smiles as each compliment grows in him.

"She had always idolized bands. Well, rock bands to be exact. But when she was listening to One Direction, I told her 'Thought you're not going to be part of what most girls like'. And she looked at me, scrunched her nose and said, 'It's impossible not to like them.' I asked who she likes the most in the band since it has five members, she answered Zayn."

He chuckles at the revelation, expecting her to prefer the main vocals of the boy band instead of the main visuals.

"But she added something. The reason why she liked the band was because of the curly headed one. And that's obviously you."

She shrugs like she said something that doesn't expect any violent reaction but his eyes had widen from it.

"She said that you're a charmer. You have something in you that's so inviting. Proud but not boastful. She's been so fond of you even if she had a crush on the bad boy. She would always be defensive when rumors spread about you and some random girl. And when Zayn left, it was you she was worried about. Said you two are very close friends, that's why."

He's blinking rapidly to stop the tears from shedding away as he goes speechless to her aunt's statement.

"When I knew she was going to be your lyricist, I was ecstatic and intrigued about what's going to happen. It's not like I'm expecting you two would end up together but when you two became in a relationship, it wasn't that impossible to believe."

She gives a smile and brings her hand to his forearm.

"It was just bad timing. Time is the most common nemesis of love. Please do understand that she needs to heal for herself and you need to heal for yourself too. It wasn't because she's my niece and I'm defending her but her leaving is not that bad of a decision she made."

As if his mind is not messed up enough, his feelings towards the situation is starting to stir up. He's angry at her for breaking her promise. But he can never hate her. Although, he did question his feelings when his ex girlfriend came back all of a sudden. If his love for her really did fade away already. But he was sure he's faithful to Vesper. Whatever happens, he would never entertain anyone than her.

He just hates the fact that she's right and he doesn't want to admit it. He hates the fact that she really had to leave just so his thoughts could be clarified. He hates that he didn't make amends to his mistakes while she was around. He hates that she had to experience such a horrible decision-making so young and so alone. He hates the thought of her dealing with a choice in her fragile state.

But now, he has to grow in a systematic way. A step by step process as if it was just a practical research he's going through. He will start soon in becoming a better man for her. The sooner he starts, the sooner she'll come back to him and they'll continue to write their story through songs and memories: achieving the ending both of them will have.



And another story finishes... Or is it? Don't worry... Everyone (including me) wouldn't want a story with a heart breaking ending such as this... As long as it is not a happy ending, keep on writing! Thanks for reading my story! All the love, V xx

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