Hope was with Ron and Hermione when the door slowly opened. Hermione jumped off the bed and threw herself at the raven haired boy.
"Oh, Harry!" Hermione exclaimed whilst hugging the boy.
Hermione lets go of Harry and that's when he notices Hope in the room.
"Are you alright?" Hermione asks but Harry is to busy staring at Hope.
Hope begins to feel uncomfortable which Hermione notices. Hermione smacks Harry over the head "stop staring! This is Hope by the way. She'll be joining us at Hogwarts." Hermione tells him.
"Hi, I'm Harry Potter." He tells Hope.
"I guessed so, from all the stories I've heard, all in one day." Hope said with a small chuckle.
Whilst Hermione starts explaining to Harry about the order of the Phoenix Ron taps hope on the shoulder.
Hope turns to face the tall red head. "Can you do the eye thing on Harry in a bit." He asks and Hope rolls her eyes with a grin.
"Sure." She replies.
Harry begins to get frustrated when Hermione said Dumbledore didn't want Harry knowing anything, Hope understood his frustrations.
"So are you a witch?" Harry turns to Hope.
She's about to reply when Ron speaks.
"She's a lot of things mate." Ron said with a grin at the girls who roll their eyes at him.
Hope shows Harry her werewolf eyes and he looks shocked. "So you're a werewolf?" He asks for clarification.
"And a witch with a dormant vampire gene." She tells him and he looks at her with admiration.
Harry starts shouting again talking about Voldemort. The twins apparate into the room behind Harry and try and calm him down.
"Harry." One twin said whilst grabbing Harry's shoulder.
"Thought we heard your dulcet tones." The other said.
"Don't bottle it up, though, mate. Let it out." The first twin spoke again.
"Anyway, if you're all done shouting..."
"Do you wanna hear something a little more interesting?" The twins finish each other's sentences.
This makes Hope think about Alaric's daughter Lizzie and Josie.
The kids gather in the corridor and use one of the twins extendable ear contraptions to listen in to the order meeting. To Hopes amusement Hermione's cat starts trying to jump at the magic ear.
After the meeting the kids head downstairs. Remus and Sirius are stood in the door way when the kids come down.
"Harry Potter." Sirius said when he saw his godson.
"Sirius!" Harry exclaims and walks in between Molly and Arthur so he can get to his godfather and hug him.
Hope doesn't really pay attention to what they are talking about at the table. She notices Tonks beginning to change her face to make Ginny laugh. Hope then learns that Tonks is what's known as a Metamorphmagus.
Hope is sat next to Harry and looks over his shoulder when he reads the newspaper. Hope realises that the minister of magic is lying about what is really happening.
"Why would he accuse Harry of lying?" Hope suddenly asks causing everyone to look at her.
"Because he's afraid." Remus tells her.
"So, that's ridiculous, when he finds out the truth there will just be more problems." Hope said exasperatedly.
"You're correct Hope." Sirius tells her.
"Ignalusa." Hope whispers and the newspaper instantly sets on fire.
Everyone looks at Hope in shock but she ignores. She begins to drown out the conversation again for a while.
"...something he didn't have last time." She heard the end of Sirius's sentence.
"Sirius." Mad eye moody said warningly.
"Like a weapon?" Harry asks his godfather.
Molly puts an end to their conversation then when Harry exclaims that he wants to join the order to fight Voldemort.
They're sent to their rooms then to go to sleep. Hope can hear the two girls even breathing so Hope knows they are asleep.
Hope gets out of her bed quietly trying not to disturb her new friends.
She walks downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink. It's really dark but she manages not to crash into anything.
She finishes her glass of water and is about to head back upstairs when she senses somebody else in the room with her. Before she can move she is harshly shoved into the wall behind her with a dark figure looming over her. The persons wand is at her throat a second later and they start applying pressure.
Getting over her initial shock Hope makes a hand movement and the person is magically thrown away from her body.
The person lands on the floor with a painful groan.
Hope runs out the kitchen and starts to shout to get the other residents attention.
"SIRIUS! HARRY!" She shouts peoples names and she can hear a few people running downstairs.
Before they get there the person grabs her again but this time they pin her arms behind her back so she can't do magic again.
Hope panics and slams her head back into their face and she hears a loud crack as the person falls to the ground again. She bets their nose is broken from the sound it made.
Just then Sirius, Remus and Harry run into the kitchen.
"Lumos." Remus said and then there was light in the room.
They all look at the person on the floor and Sirius begins to laugh loudly and Harry and Remus look like they're holding back a laugh too. "Oh, Hope, this is great." He chuckles whilst looking at the person on the floor.
"Do you find this funny, Black?" The person asks harshly and Hope flinches.
"Of course I do, Snivellus. She's broke your nose." Sirius smirks down at Severus Snape who is still on the ground.
Severus stands up and glares at everyone in the room. His eyes focus on Hope. "So you're Hope?" He asks and when she nods he grabs her arm roughly and starts to pull her after him.
Hope begins to struggle immediately and the others in the kitchen get angry.
"Snape, let her go!" Harry shouts angrily.
Remus and Sirius draw their wands ready to attack if necessary.
"Calm down you fools! The headmaster has asked me to talk to the girl about something private." He snaps.
"Couldn't it wait till the morning?" Remus asks his old school mate.
"No." Severus growls out then drags the struggling girl to the library.
"Will she be okay?" Harry asks his godfather and godfather figure.
"Yes. Dumbledore trusts Snape." Remus said much to Harry and Sirius's annoyance.
The two men and Harry return back to their rooms and go to sleep.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco Malfoy
Romance(Editing!) Hope Mikaelson lost both of her parents at 15. Not long after, her Aunt Freya decides it would be a good idea for Hope to get away and move to a new school where she could have a fresh start where people wouldn't know about their family h...