Chapter 25

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"Penny, do you think I look good in this dress?" Weiss asks as she steps out of the dressing room, a hand tugging at the right shoulder idly, "I'm not sure about the shoulders." Penny's gaze falls onto her partner as she inspects the dress, the dark blue off shoulder garment boasting a wavy, knee length skirt, frills around the bust, and arm length gloves to match.

"Hmm... I think it suits you Weiss!" Penny flashes Weiss a thumbs up as she speaks, presently dressed in her own fanciful outfit, a knee length dark green dress with white lace trim, puffed out sleeves, and a flowy skirt, complete with stockings and inch heels. Weiss turns towards the nearby mirror before looking herself over in it, again tugging at the shoulder before releasing it.

"If you're sure, then I'll get it." With Penny's approval in hand, Weiss changes back into her prior outfit while Penny does the same, the two taking their selected attire and paying before departing the store. Earlier that day, the two were asked to help give Whitley a party in celebration of his birthday. Only after confirmation that it was just a party for Whitley, and not her included given their shared birthday, she agreed to help, wanting to give her younger sibling the first good birthday she's sure he's had in a long time.

With their outfits in tow, the two begin to wander through the mall seeking out a store to get Whitley gifts from. Penny makes a suggestion every so often only to be shot down by Weiss, at least until they come upon a toy store, Weiss glancing towards Penny with a quirked eyebrow. Penny giggles a little as she catches Weiss's expression, then takes her hand and drags her inside, Weiss not protesting and following close behind.

"So, what are we looking for in here, Penny? Whitley isn't exactly the type to play with toys. At least... Not that I can recall, but then again..." Weiss quietly sighs as she trails off, thoughts wandering towards her brother more than she'd like. I really don't know what Whitley would like... All those years, I... Never paid him any attention... Would he like toys?

"Stuffed animals, Weiss!" Pausing to gauge Weiss's reaction, the brace face brightening slightly as she processes the suggestion, Penny pulls her towards the section with the stuffed animals and begins to sift through the many options. "You have Muffin and Nickel when you don't have any of us around, but your brother doesn't have anyone, let's get him some friends!"

"... Penny, you're a genius, that's a wonderful idea!" Weiss manages to keep herself from facepalming as she realizes just how much Whitley could benefit from some friends, even if they are of the non-living variety. With Penny eagerly looking through the various plush animals beside her she follows suit, taking time to select the perfect companion. No, too small... I don't think he likes tigers... Why do they even have Grimm plushes? No... No... Aha! A soft gasp echoes out as she pulls a large brown bunny off the shelf, Penny looking over with her own selection in hand.

"Oh my, Weiss, that's so cute!" Penny cheerfully voices her approval of the plush before holding out her choice, a turquoise furred Labrador plush, Weiss regarding the plush with a smile and a nod before stepping towards her.

"Whitley is gonna love them. We should get some accessories for them, maybe some ribbons?" She suggests, Penny nodding in agreement before moving to the section of the aisle with various accessories for stuffed animals, the two picking out a selection of ribbons to compliment the plushes. "I'll ask Klein if he can make some outfits for these two, Whitley might like to have his new companions looking as nice as he does."

Weiss checks the time on her scroll once they've paid and left the store, Penny humming softly while looking around at the people passing by in waiting. "Mmm... We've got some time before we should get back to the academy, anywhere you want to go first?" She asks while looking around herself, Penny shaking her head with a slight in place bounce.

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