Chapter 12: Breath of Joy

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With blonde hair feathered out on a pearly-white pillow, Lucy felt relief that took her so long to finally feel. All of those heartaches and headaches and questions without answers have finally been attended to. She didn't know if she should move on or to keep it where she's at now. The only thing was; if she did move on, the poor girl would be scarred for life. All the way from those once-opened cuts on her legs to the bandages on her face. And let her remember this; without the embracers, she couldn't walk at all. That was what hit her the most.

Guess they're gonna have to put that mission on hold, huh?

Now, it was around mid-night and all dear Lucy could stare at it was the still flow of water from the cup next to her. She should probably finish it before it got warm.

But she flat out didn't feel thirsty.

Is Natsu awake? Perhaps doing a job? Another slumber party with Happy?

She groaned into her pillow. She hated this room so God damn much which was surprising to hear from her which was why she never spoke about it. She knew they were just trying to help her.

She glanced back at the still water with a questioning gaze, "Maybe I'll have a sip." She muttered to herself before slowly dragging her hand to the glass cup.

And once it touched, the water wavered than the cup fell flat to the wooden floor below, her watching the glass fragments scatter around.

She sighed, "Never mind." With that, her head fell back to the soft pillow.

With the embracers, Mira said, she could practice going up and down the stairs and finally get out of the second floor. But Lucy knew the embracers dont last long. If she was lucky, she could spend half an hour up practicing and then head back to her room. Oh, and that meant that just in case they had to bring the wheelchair.

Lucy groaned as her hands met her face, her fingers softly pulling on her bangs in tension. Within a few seconds, she finally let go and gazed at the ceiling before her. Goodness, she really couldn't wait to leave.

"Okay, four simple questions, Natsu," Mira glared at Natsu with a glare that was strong enough to make anyone have shivers go down their spines. Which is why, Natsu had a bar stool ready for defense in case Mira had any tricks up her sleeves.

"What?" Natsu retorted flatly.

"What's for dinner?"


"What's tomorrow's plans?"


"Natsu, tell me! What is the first thing will you do tomorrow morning?" Mira began to get anxious to try and get him on track.


"Will you say good morning to your girlfriend?"

Natsu calmed his nerves, choking back on his saliva in the meanwhile, "What?" He questioned, beginning to catch up with what she was saying.

"Ah, Natsu. You don't know, do you? Well, Porlyusica said that soon after dinner, you could have the chance to . . . I don't know, be with your girlfriend finally? To finally be outside of a place where you breathe the same air everyday?"

"How did I not—"

"Well, I figured Lucy would've told you already," Mira uttered, sounding quite surprised. "I guess not."

"I should go check on her!" Natsu exclaimed cheerfully.

"I'm sure she would love that and do us all a favor, Natsu. Thank you."

And with that, Natsu jolted up the stairs and rushed to her room to where he excitedly opened her door with a positive smile right upon his lips. As to his eyes, he only found the love of his life fixing herself a comfy shirt for she already put on some lazy, comfy shorts.

"Oh, hey Natsu. I was wondering—"

However, Natsu didn't let her finish. Instead, he straight up compressed his lips against hers unexpectedly. For a while, it was silent as they kissed for a small second which felt like a minute, and when they parted, all Natsu did was embrace her, leaving the blonde in question.

"H-Hey, Natsu? What's the matter?" Lucy muttered.

Natsu let go of her fair body and glanced at her dark irises with a spark in his, "I get to annoy you tomorrow," He smirked.

Lucy stared at him in oblivion.

"Lucy, do you not know?" Natsu questioned as he crouched down before her.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh," Natsu muttered. "Well, you have a surprise at dinner, okay?"

Lucy nodded happily, "Okay." And with that, she soon felt the comfort of the bed leave her bottom.

She came to notice; Natsu honestly just picked her up bridal style and had a look on his face that told her he was going to do something.

Something dumb.

Something not thought through.

And yet, Lucy didn't hesitate to wrap her hands around his neck in nothing but fear.

After several questions and serious looks, Natsu finally glanced back down at his blonde girlfriend who gave him the look of true horror. However, he pressed his back against a door that only opened on push. He turned around to face the room and there, Lucy's eyes lit up as Natsu watched her in pure happiness.

"What do you think?"

"I think someone should've told me about this place long ago."

Behind the guild, lay a small coven with warm, clean and clear shallow lakes that were designed for relaxation. The scent in the air was filled with a soft floral aroma mixed in with a faint rain aroma. A slight breeze brushed up against the blonde's shoulders as she gazed behind to make contact with the dragon slayer behind her.

"I figured you would want a break after everything that happened." Natsu grinned brightly and happily as the blonde could only grin back out of pure happiness. "Thank you," She mumbled as close to him so he could hear.

Seeing of how happy and delighted the blonde was, Natsu softly pecked the crown of her head and glanced down at her stunning irises. "There's some outfits made for guests in the dressing rooms made for just this coven. If you want, you could try it?" Natsu questioned her, however, this only resulted in her irises downing and glancing away. He could tell that just by the look on her face, she strongly wanted to. But something was keeping her back. And he had a feeling of what it was.

Lucy grinned softly, "I would love to." She said willingly.

Natsu gazed at her with quite a bit of surprise, seeing that she didn't mention anything else on her mind. "You sure you don't need help?"

Lucy giggled, "Maybe getting in and out but I think I can get dressed on my own." Her face appeared gladdened. "We have like what? Two more hours until dinner?"

Natsu sighed, "Yeah, I can't wait to eat just by the thought of it."

"Well, then, hopefully we can waste sometime in the meanwhile. I hope you're good at charades." Lucy joked playfully seeing as to how heated Natsu now got. "You're on!!" He exclaimed and with that, he gently placed Lucy in the changing room, making remarking comments on the way than doubled checked to make sure she was gonna be fine. After that, he went to the men's changing room to dress. He realized; if he wanted to keep her, he had to be serious about respecting her privacy.

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