Chapter 4 : The Party

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Soon, Crimson Justice's retirement party was in full effect.
Almost every citizen was present including the mayor.
In the middle of the room, Crimson Justice, Kristina, and Julie stood behind a podium and a large flat screen tv was in the wall behind them.
Crimson Justice then tapped the microphone.
"Can everyone hear me all right?"
He said.
The crowd collectively nodded and whistled.
"Good, Now I'd like to make a speech."
Crimson Justice said.

And then his wife Kristina handed the hero a stack of note cards.
Crimson Justice took the cards and thanked her with a kiss on the cheek.
He then cleared his throat, and glanced at the first card in his hand.

"As you all know, I am retiring from protecting Crimson City, the same city I founded years ago along with Mayor Peter Williams."

He said as he glanced at a balding older man in the crowd.
"Why don't you come up here and join us?"
He said to the mayor.
Mayor Williams weaved his way though the crowd and joined Crimson Justice and his family on the podium.
The hero shook his hand.
"Thank you Mayor."

The mayor nodded.
Crimson Justice then flipped over to the next card.
"As much as I don't want to retire , it's something I've wanted for a while now."
" As my career went on I've started a family, my beautiful wife Kristina and my lovely daughters Julie and Casey. "
"Casey's running a bit late, but she'll be here."

He said.
The hero switched to another card to continue.
"But once I finally hang up the cape, I will not be leaving Crimson City without heroes."
He said as he motioned to someone in the back of the room.
And then a group of young men women came into the room dressed in various superhero costumes.

"As of a few months ago, I have been training a young group of heroes that will be known as The Justice Brigade."
He finished, just as the crowd erupted with applause.
Crimson Justice looked around the room with a beaming smile.
"Thank you everyone, have appreciate your applause, I have one last thing to say to end things tonight."
" I am going to reveal to you my true identity , my name is .... "

He trailed off as the tv behind him suddenly flickered to life. 
The screen was dark, until a logo appeared.
It was a flaming skull, and everyone in the room was silent.
Suddenly a voice within the screen spoke.
"Sorry to interrupt your little party, Crimson Justice."
" allow me to introduce myself. " it said in a deep modulated voice
"I am Doomskull!"
And then a man wearing a skeleton mask  with black lens and a black hood appeared.

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