In a faraway kingdom, There was a town named Actium where a magical sorcerer lived and has the magic to create a magical gem that could control time and perform certain activities like repeating certain periods such as going back to the past or going forward into the future. This harnesses powerful magic that could mess up time and cause eternal destruction. So this gem can be only granted to a responsible person who can keep this safe and not fall into evil hands.
Marcus: This is going to be one of my most wonderful creations ever.
Gramor: Absolutely Papa!
Marcus: This must be protected from the evil hands since this can create eternal destruction and I have to tell you Gramor, NEVER TOUCH THIS!
Gramor: Ok Papa!
Zandria's P.O.V
HAHAHAHA! I will steal that gem and use it for evil! I will arrive at Actium the next morning and steal the Time Gem... and finally be the MOST POWERFUL PERSON IN THE WORLD! HAHAHA...
Back at Actium
Marcus: Gramor, I want to tell you. I have an idea that might...
Gramor: Might what Papa?
Marcus: k-
On Repeat
FantasyIn the olden days, one man named Marcus enchanted a magical gem and turned into a Time Gem. Soon he uses it to make the disappearance of their generation and loss of the Time gem. To be soon found by a modern individual and used for negative thought...