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Bakugou's POV

Kirishima went to bed. He must be tired. I know for a fact that I am, this is the latest I've ever been up. I should probably go to bed soon. But I can just play for another five minutes, right?

So I play for five minutes. And then five minutes turns into half an hour. And next thing you know, it's midnight. Shit. We have school tomorrow. I stand up and walk over to the TV, turning off the Xbox and the TV. I look over to Kirishima, who's sleeping. Now that I think about it, I think I heard him talking in his sleep a while ago. Does he really talk in his sleep?

I kneel down next to Kirishima. He's facing the wall, so I lean over more to see his face. His face is scrunched up, and he looks like he's about to cry. I wonder what he's dreaming about... He turns over in his sleep, and immediately grabs onto my arm. I try to pull it away, but his grip is really strong. Like holy SHIT his grip is tight. I sigh, then lie down next to him on the futon, staring at his face.

Now that I remember it, I asked that serial killer to spare Kirishima. I guess that's good, because I think I like him. Like, "like-like" him. I sigh again, closing my eyes to go to sleep. This'll be awkward to wake up to, but it's whatever. I'll deal with it then.


I wake up in the morning, immediately feeling something moving in my hair. I open my eyes a little, not really seeing much. It smells like cherries and vanilla, though. What happened last night? I was playing games, then I went to bed with... Kirishima... oh fuck me.

I look up, seeing Kirishima smiling down at me. We make eye contact, and his smile immediately turns into shock. His face turns red, and I feel mine doing the exact same. We both sit up in complete silence.

"U-Um... " Kirishima mutters out, averting his eyes. "D-Don't get the wrong idea, shit hair! You grabbed me in your sleep and you wouldn't let me go!" I yell out, protecting my pride. Kirishima looks surprised, then laughs a little. "Haha, whoops! Sorry, bro." he says, rubbing his neck. I think for a moment. "Were you playing with my hair?" I ask, causing his face to turn back to shock. "Um, maybe?" he says, shrugging. I glare at him. "Ok, fine, I was. But it's really soft and I couldn't help it!" he sighs. I scoff. "Of course it's soft, it's MY hair!" I shout, standing up. "Anyways, let's get ready for school now." Kirishima nods, also standing up. He mutters something under his breath, but it's too quiet for me to hear. I shake it off, it's probably not important.

We take turns using the bathroom, since we only have one. That's really the only downside of this whole thing. Honestly, everything about this situation is perfect. And almost cliche... weird. Whatever. I use my bathroom time to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. I usually take a shower the night before, but last night I didn't really want to. Mostly because Kirishima was in the room and I couldn't think of a reason for me to just suddenly shower, except when he was asleep. But I was busy playing video games, so that didn't really happen. Damn.

I step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist. I suddenly realize that I left my uniform outside. Shit. Do I walk out there? Are we close enough for that? I don't think we are...

"Oi, shitty hair!" I yell through the door. "Grab my uniform and bring it here!" A sigh emits from the room, followed by grumbling. Oh god he hates me-

The door knock turns a little, but it isn't able to open the door since it's locked. "Uh, I got the clothes, Bakugou. Are you gonna open the door?" Kirishima says on the other side of the door. I panic a little, not sure what exactly to do. "Y-Yeah! I have to unlock the door, fuck face!" I yell back, quickly unlocking the doorknob. I open it slightly, not enough to see Kirishima or for him to see me. He hands me the clothing, and I quickly slam the door shut. He already got ready, so once I get dressed we can head out.

I get dressed quickly, putting on the dress shirt and blazer quickly. After getting frustrated with the buttons on my shirt for so long, I finally finish dressing. I walk out of the bathroom, then walk towards my school bag to put my books and stuff in it. After finishing, I go over to the door and put on my shoes, waiting for Kirishima. He's digging around in his backpack, I assume he's looking for something. I notice there's a piece of fabric that's completely black. Must be a t-shirt. He finally pulls out a pencil case and quickly zips the bag up, almost as if he's hiding something. Weird...

"Ok, let's go!" he says, walking past me through the door. I follow after him. It's Friday, so all we have to do is get through the day, and then we'll be able to have our weekend. And even better, we're getting a break because of that suspected villain appearance near our dorms. They want to investigate the area more, and they don't want students to interfere. That's fine with me, though. The less school, the better my mental health.

Kirishima and I finally arrive at the class building, earning a groan from me. Kirishima looks over to me, tilting his head like a lost puppy. Cute. "Got a problem, hair for brains??" I growl. Kirishima stands up straight. "No, it's nothing." he says, smiling. I scoff.


After a long day of sitting around and listening to teachers, the day ended with our hero course class. It's only one more class, so I can do this. I got this.

Aizawa walks in, papers in hand. He sets them down on the desk, causing everyone to go silent. Ever since the first day of school, he immediately earned our respect. It's mostly because he scares most of the students here. He doesn't scare me, though. I just don't feel like dealing with his shit.

"Ok, class. Here's our lesson for today." he announces. "We're going 1v1 sparring. Your partner will be the person you are sharing a dorm with, since that seems to be the easiest way to pair you all up." Everyone sounds happy with it, so he must be content with the situation. "Go change in the locker rooms, and then go to Gym Gamma. Don't take too long." he says, walking out of the classroom, probably going to the gym. We all get out of our seats and make our way to the locker rooms.

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